Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

XPOI disappearing in P3D

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Ok I'll back out some items and see what happens. But did you notice the errors I'm getting with my event manager?  Also it whole be nice if we could back off the distance for the items. Backing off the distance for the name wouldn't do anything for this problem. A range of 5 miles, 10, 15 woold be good. If you back off only on the names showing, the calls have still been made. I'll back things off and keep you posted.



--- Quote from: JDLinn on March 13, 2017, 01:06:38 pm ---Also it whole be nice if we could back off the distance for the items. Backing off the distance for the name wouldn't do anything for this problem. A range of 5 miles, 10, 15 woold be good. If you back off only on the names showing, the calls have still been made.
--- End quote ---

That's not how XPOI works, and that's why there's no separate option for the xpoi items. The item and each separate letter of the name are entirely separate calls so, controlling the distance of the title is far more effective.

OK, cut everything back, more than half. Turned off the POI and Facilities settings ... nothing was showing. It quit after 30 minutes and I was flying over ocean near Hawaii (not much to pop up anyway).  Please look at these two errors from my event log for the computer. I've attached the log (shows nothing), and the two Administrative Errors from the Computer's events log.


Again, the error logs do not show anything. Try to XPOI altogether.


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