Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

XPOI disappearing in P3D

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--- Quote from: JDLinn on March 08, 2017, 10:52:53 pm ---flew another flight and about 1/2 hour in, it quit again and I have that log it is attached (relabeled "txt" to send it).
--- End quote ---

That log is not the one coming after a session where Couatl quitted, because it doesn't indicate any issues.


--- Quote from: virtuali on March 09, 2017, 04:25:43 pm ---That log is not the one coming after a session where Couatl quitted, because it doesn't indicate any issues.

--- End quote ---

Funny story: "it doesn't indicate any issues" is pretty much what Doug said right after grabbing the log.

The log says: "log started on Wed Mar 08 15:06:12 2017"

This seems to be a perfect match for this Twitch stream:

Interesting time stamps:
00:37:20 - XPOI is still working, after a few seconds, Doug enters IMC
00:42:45 - visibility is back, no XPOI markers visible
00:43:25 - Doug checks the Add-on menu and the Couatl and XPOI entries are gone, then he grabs the log while the sim is paused
00:44:55 - Doug remarks "I don't see the error this time"

So unless Doug grabbed the wrong log file and manipulated the time stamp in the log, I guess that means that either Couatl/XPOI died quietly (or rather, more violently) this time or, for some unknown reason, the error message didn't make it into the log?

Perhaps that in itself provides some valuable information?


PS: This was not a singular incident. On a previous stream, Couatl/XPOI vanished, but we made the mistake to try to revive Couatl by restarting the exe and the log was overwritten. I asked Doug to show the last page of the log on stream (before restarting Couatl, ie. before it was overwritten) and I distinctly remember commenting on the peculiarity that it did not end with an error message. The last 20-30 lines looked exactly like the ones in the log Doug provided in his last post.


--- Quote from: aurel on March 10, 2017, 12:34:53 am ---Funny story: "it doesn't indicate any issues" is pretty much what Doug said right after grabbing the log.
--- End quote ---

Which simply confirms what I said. The PREVIOUS log indicated a LOT of issue, which were related to the outdated P3D, since the Hotfix 3 is supposed to fix the UNRECOGNIZED_ID which DID appear in the previous log.

--- Quote --- XPOI is still working, after a few seconds, Doug enters IMC
--- End quote ---

Is REX being used ? We had another unrelated report, where there are problems that seem to kill Simconnect altogether, with no logs, when REX injects the weather.

--- Quote ---On a previous stream, Couatl/XPOI vanished, but we made the mistake to try to revive Couatl by restarting the exe and the log was overwritten.
--- End quote ---

That's probably what happened here again so, we are not looking on a meaningful log.


--- Quote from: virtuali on March 10, 2017, 01:22:38 pm ---Which simply confirms what I said.
--- End quote ---

IMHO it doesn't, but since the video proof doesn't count, there's nothing else I could contribute. Back to Doug with the weather.


--- Quote from: aurel on March 10, 2017, 01:36:34 pm ---IMHO it doesn't
--- End quote ---

Yes, it does, and it really seems you are not getting my point. Saying "simply confirms what I said", doesn't mean anything more than what it says: the log doesn't show ANY issues. The previous log DID so, as I've said, something has changed by installing the Hotfix.

Maybe you didn't get the issue clear enough: the Hotfix will only STOP Exceptions caused by other addons to be wrongly reported to other clients! THAT'S IT.

So, by applying the Hotfix, one will stop see errors reported in the wrong client, so he wouldn't mislead thinking the previously affected client was the cause. In this case, Exceptions that used to be reported in the Couatl.LOG.

But the Hotfix won't magically "fix" the issue that CAUSED the Exceptions it will simply start to report them to the CORRECT client, the one that caused them in the first place!

That's why it's normal that exceptions won't appear in the Coautl.LOG anymore now, because there weren't CAUSED by it, they were only mistakenly reported to it, because the Hotfix wasn't installed.

But if the real culprit is still causing exceptions, and these are confusing Simconnect, up to the point to create a problem to XPOI, no Hotfix will fix this.

WHICH IS WHY, I asked if a 3rd party weather engine was used, because the report of "Doug enters IMC 00:42:45 - visibility is back, no XPOI markers visible", LOOKS LIKE a problem caused when the weather changed and THERE IS another report in another thread of REX causing this.


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