General Category > FSDT Promotions

I want Zurich and Geneva

<< < (2/2)


--- Quote from: virtuali on March 13, 2009, 09:17:01 pm ---We'll probably have other promotions in the future, but you'll understand that, the whole point of a promotion is to be unexpected, to be a special event ( if we had a promotion every week, people will obviously wonder what the real prices are... ), to not last much.

And I never seen anyone advertising upcoming promotion details in advance...

--- End quote ---

Yeah I undertsand fully... just makes it harder on us who have to make choices.

You folks are artists... I have a powerful PC, but you make it run so well with FSX. I wish more people used your techniques.

As a side note Umberto, glad to see a few of the FSX testers making good stuff out here.


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