Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

Constant POI overlaps

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No actually - they are often of different classes. It seems for Canada in many locations they just group a bunch of POIs for the particular town or location all together in one spot. There are often many duplicate POI's for the same spot as well (see the Elora Gorge screenshots, there were 4 different labels for this one geographical feature). This is very common throughout Canada. I just did a flight through Southern Ontario (where I live) and in just one spot there were over 5 examples of this within a few miles. This happens in rural areas even more so than urban it seems as well. The classifications aren't too great for the Canadian POI's either - all small towns are labeled parks for example. Not a big deal having the wrong icon but it means you can't filter out "smaller" POI's for the more major ones, they are all in the same categories.

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