Author Topic: DCS A-10C  (Read 5448 times)


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« on: May 23, 2009, 12:02:50 pm »
Some shots of the 3d model.

From DCS translated by SD

A-10C – the improved version well-known A-10A which served as the basic plane of air support of parts of Military-air forces of the USA within almost 30 years. A-10C is A-10A in 21 centuries, using such systems, as Multipurpose Color Displays (MFCD), the weapon with GPS-prompting and support data-link. Having kept all opportunities of the previous versions, A-10C has turned to the instrument of drawing of precision impacts with the advanced systems of prompting, the precision weapon (Maverick, JDAM and bombs with laser prompting), and the built in navigating system on the basis of GPS.

A-10C participated in operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and has proved to be as the exact and effective weapon in war with terrorism while its advanced equipment considerably has reduced quantity of incidents of " friendly fire » - in many respects owing to information system SADL and an opportunity to identify the purposes by means of the modernized systems of an aiming.
In spite of the fact that set of navigating and weapon systems A-10C have been replaced, the majority of the others have remained same, as well as on older patterns. Engines, fuel, hydraulic and emergency systems, communication, illumination and protection practically do not differ from those on last versions A-10A. As well as the previous versions, A-10C – very simple in management and stable in flight and at application of arms the plane.

On forward panel A-10C there are two MFCD on which it is possible to deduce the information from various systems of the plane (DTS, TAD, DSMS, TGP, video signal from rocket Maverick, etc.). They allow much faster and intuitive by to inform up to the pilot the indispensable information, and to make it in significantly greater volume for same time. Everyone MFCD has the size 5х5 inches (12.7х12.7 sm) and on 5 buttons on each of 4 sides. Functions of these buttons depend on the chosen context.

TAD displays the top view on a current tactical situation by means of the symbols representing your current position (Ownship), the Point of a binding (Bullseye), the Center of Attention of Sensor controls (SPI), current item of a route, an active mark, symbols data-link'a or the active flight plan and rings of range. TAD can be appointed by " a leading sensor control » that will allow to appoint with its help the center of attention of sensor controls (SPI), using the cursor controllable кнюппелем on HOTAS, allowing the pilot "to pick up" symbols on. When the system of information interchange (data-link) is included, on the display the arrangement of allied and enemy forces also is displayed.

Also the display can be adjusted on display of a moving card with use of corresponding navigating tables.

On display TAD the cursor which can be operated by means of HOTAS if TAD it is chosen as a leading sensor control is constantly displayed.

Digital Control system of Suspension brackets (DSMS)

DSMS replaces the old panel of the control of arms (ACP) A-10A which settled down on the forward panel. All options of the weapon, parametres of dump and the control of various types of arms are carried out now with use of mode DSMS MFCD.

DSMS gives to the pilot survey display of the suspended arms to everyone пилоне, its status, current chosen пилона, conditions of the general safety lock, the status of built in gun GAU-8 and a current profile for each weapon.

DSMS also contains the separate page giving to the pilot an opportunity to look through, choose and edit structures and parameters of application of the weapon, such as an interval of dump and quantity of shells in a volley for corresponding versions of arms. Each of combinations of these parameters refers to as a structure. These structures can be chosen or from page DSMS, or on HUD by means of HOTAS.

DSMS gives an opportunity of selective dump подвеса from any пилона and a launcher.

In DSMS also there are some pages for adjustment of modes both энергопитания rockets AIM-9 and AGM-65.

Arms A-10C

30мм a gun with a choice between explosive-incendiary, armo-piercing and training shells

PLANK BEDS (lol wtf?)
MK1. Demolition БЧ
MK5. Demolition anti-tank БЧ
MK61. An educational rocket with single БЧ
M151. Противопехотная fragmental БЧ
M156. Smoke БЧ with white phosphorus
WTU1B. An educational rocket with single БЧ
M274. A smoke marker
M257. A lighting rocket with parachute delay
M278. A rocket of ¿¬-illumination with parachute delay

Bombs of a general purpose
Mk-82. The 227-kilogram bomb with 87 kgs тритонала (a variant алюмотола), is most widely used A-10C a uncontrollable bomb. Provides good parameters of defeat небронированных and лекгобронированных the purposes with splinters and a blast wave
Mk-82AIR. On this version Mk-82 costs aerodynamic замедлитель BSU-49/B. It allows a bomb to be slowed down quickly after dump that enables to use it at small height, not being afraid to get in radius of explosion. The bomb also can be dumped in a usual mode, without use замедлителя.
Mk-84. Senior brother Mk-82, 906кг with 428кг H-6 or тритонала. The Most effective against слабо-and небронированных the purposes, Mk-84 nevertheless can be effective and against the reservation if it is dumped in sufficient affinity.

Cassette bombs
CBU-87. « Боеприпас the combined effects » CBU-87 – a 453-kilogram cassette bomb of a general purpose. The tactical Allocator of Subammunition SW-65 contains 202 cartridges BLU-97/B, effective both against бронированных, and against небронированных the purposes.

Training bombs of a general purpose
BDU-50LD. Training version Mk-82 with inert БЧ and low resistance.
BDU-50HD. Training version Mk-82 with inert БЧ and high resistance.
BDU-33. The small training bomb simulating under the aerodynamic characteristics larger. Contains a smoke charge for simplification of registration of results of shooting.

Lighting charges
LUU-2B/B. Illumination in a visible spectrum.
LUU-19. Illumination in the ¿¬-spectrum. It is intended for improvement of conditions of use of devices of night vision

Bombs with laser prompting
GBU-10 Paveway II. This 906-kg a bomb is variant Mk-84 with laser prompting.
GBU-12 Paveway II. Variant Mk-82 with laser prompting.

Bombs with GPS-prompting
GBU-38. Standard Mk-82 with the complete set for GPS-prompting.
GBU-31. Standard Mk-84 with the complete set for GPS-prompting.
CBU-103. Standard CBU-87с the complete set for GPS-prompting and the account of influence of a wind (WCMD).

Family of rockets AGM-65 Maverick
AGM-65D. The infra-red chamber and 57кг directed БЧ.
AGM-65G. The infra-red chamber and 136-kilogram armo-piercing БЧ.
AGM-65H. Electron-optical ГСН with 57кг directed БЧ.
AGM-65K. Electron-optical ГСН and 136-kilogram armo-piercing БЧ.
TGM-65D. Training version AGM-65D with inert the engine and БЧ.
TGM-65G. Training version AGM-65G with inert the engine and БЧ.
CATM-65K. Training version AGM-65K with inert the engine and БЧ.
TGM-65H. Training version AGM-65H with inert the engine and БЧ.

Rockets Air-air
AIM-9M. A rocket of small range with infra-red ГСН.
CATM-9M. Training version AIM-9M with inert the engine and БЧ.

The Aim Designator

The aim designator AT gives possibilities of the review, supports and illuminations more whole. It possesses three modes of display: an optical range (with use ПЗС) and the infra-red chamber (FLIR) in modes of direct and return contrast.

Basic operating modes TGP include "Air-ground" (A-G), "Air-air" (A-A) and "Expectation" (Standby). Each of these modes has the corresponding control page, enabling to adjust parameters TGP. Thus, on MFCD in mode TGP there are 6 various pages.

The built in inertial satellite system of navigation (EGI)

System EGI – the basic navigating tool A-10C giving to an opportunity by exact definition of coordinates (including heights and spatial orientation) worldwide. With EGI two basic panels are connected: the block of display and the control (CDU) and the auxiliary panel (AAP). Operation with EGI is based on work with a set of the routing points loaded in CDU. This database is usually created in advance in the editor of tasks, but can be modifying and in flight. In memory it can be stored up to 2077 navigating points

CDU it is located on the right console above AAP and gives opportunities on bilateral interaction with navigating system EGI. It consists of the display, eight buttons of a choice of options (LSK), six function keys (FSK), цифробуквенной keyboards and several more switches and buttons

APP also it is located on the right console under CDU and it is used for the control of power supplies of systems CDU and EGI. It consists of two switches and two rotary and one push-button switches.


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Re: DCS A-10C
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2009, 12:09:17 pm »