Author Topic: Will FSDT KMEM Memphis airport and Ultrascenery Earth Memphis co exist  (Read 3938 times)


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Will the FSD KMEM Co exist with MegaScenery Earth Memphis?

What I'd like to know if both programs were added to my FSX, and I am over the KMEM airfield, whose addon will dominate the view of the runways?
Or let me ask it this way, if both programs are installed and I am on approach to one of the KMEM runways, will FSTS KMEM prevail over the MegaScenery earth
approach to Kmem runway? Which one will I see as far as runways go, FSDT's runway or Megascenery earth Memphis runway.
Megascenery Memphis kinda fills in the drab areas of the city with actual true buildings of Memphis however, it too has a rendering of the Airport as well;wonder
if it would conflict when I try to land at the FSDT KMEM.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 10:03:32 am by virtuali »


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Re: Will FSDT KMEM Memphis airport and Ultrascenery Earth Memphis co exist
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2017, 10:05:21 am »
As for all our products, we have a Trial that you can download and install freely, to check for any possible issues when using other addons. As a general rule, an airport should always be placed on an higher layer in the Scenery Library compared to sceneries covering larger areas.