i mean definitely that many users have problems since the last Update with some of your Addons - also from other Developers which you second in your bglmanx_System.
I'm sorry, but this is not what happened. You only see what users reported on the forum about what they THOUGHT the problem was. I've made dozen of Teamviewer sessions and, in the vast majority of the cases, the problem turned up to be something else entirely, either the antivirus, or a problem with FSUIPC, or a problem with some obscure other addons that we never heard before.
The only real problem which we should have fixed on our side (and we have) was the bogus error message about missing objects from XPOI, and the slow startup time when loading under the Steam interface, and both have been fixed already.
And, only a very small percentage of users that reported a problem, came back to the forum to report it was fixed so, again, looking at the forum, you don't get the correct perspective because, you have a perception of the problem higher than it is, since only users with problems post (they are a very small minority of all those that downloaded, we obviously have the stats.), and not all of them come back to report their problem was already fixed. And not just that, many are posting even without checking the forum first, to report a problem what was already fixed, but they posted without trying to reinstall.
otherwise - why are you not able to repair the Missing Marshaller tickbox on GSX_Settings in short Terms?
What is the difficult about that?
For the obvious reason that, this problem is a totally minor problem that won't really affect much and I guess will be fixed easily, while crashing problems should be considered TOP priority, even if if they are NOT (in the vast majority of the cases), caused by our software, but they require full attention anyway, which takes away our resources from doing the actual fixes, like this one.