Author Topic: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash  (Read 19430 times)


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JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« on: January 16, 2009, 09:50:12 pm »

I have had an issue with JFK for FSX.  On every approach to rwy 4R I seem to hit something at about 75 feet.  It destroys all my approaches.  Any word or ideas what may have caused this?

Allan Burek
Allan Burek


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2009, 02:01:26 am »
Allan Burek


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 04:17:08 am »
Sorry, nobody reported it so far, so it must be another scenery in conflict.


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2009, 01:01:05 am »

Thanks for the response.  I have no other scenery installed in this area, however I will do an uninstall/reinstall and report back.  Thanks again.
Allan Burek


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2009, 10:02:49 pm »
Attempted help.  Here is a video of what happens...
Allan Burek


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2009, 12:47:06 am »
Sorry, I've just checked, and it doesn't happen anything like that. As I've said, considering that nobody else has ever reported this problem, it's surely another scenery in conflict.

Might be a mesh with the wrong altitude, an afcad with the wrong altitude, or a remnant of a scenery that you installed, removed, but not entirely.


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2009, 12:32:20 pm »
Thanks for your response.  Someone in a previous forum that I posted this issue with has the same issue.  I can get him to confirm here if that helps.  As far as your suggestions, I have no other addon scenery, except the FSDT KORD, and some freeware EGPK scenery.  It seems as though I am hitting that cliff that I pass over right before approaching the runway.  I use no mesh or terrain enhancements.  It is very frustrating this issue.
Allan Burek


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2009, 01:06:43 pm »
Someone in a previous forum that I posted this issue with has the same issue.  I can get him to confirm here if that helps.

It could be someone that has installed the same conflicting scenery as you have, it might help only if he would remember that.

If it was a problem with the JFK scenery, everyone would have noticed it by now, since I don't think nobody tried to land on 4R it wouldn't be possible not to notice it, if the problem was with JFK.

As far as your suggestions, I have no other addon scenery, except the FSDT KORD, and some freeware EGPK scenery.

You probably have, but you don't remember. As I've said, it might not be an airport scenery that you installed, but also an afcad that comes with a traffic package that has a different altitude setting.

It seems as though I am hitting that cliff that I pass over right before approaching the runway. 

This is clearly shown from your video. And it's clearly caused by something else because, as I've said, nobody else noticed, if the problem was in JFK we would have *lots* of reports from users here, and just to be sure I've checked it again after your report and of course, it doesn't happen.


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2009, 10:45:04 pm »

Having not found any other addon scenery installed other than the ORD by FSDT, I decided to do a full reinstall of FSX with Acceleration, and then install FSDT JFK.  Still having the same issue.  I think it may be a PMDG thing however, since I can do well with the C172 default.  Strange.  Thanks for the help though, its just all so confusing.
Allan Burek


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2009, 04:11:27 am »
I think it may be a PMDG thing however, since I can do well with the C172 default.  Strange. 

Strange, might be related to the airplane contact points, then. Generally speaking, when one finds something strange, the first thing to check is to use as many as possible default items, starting with the airplane.


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2009, 12:17:55 am »
I am also experiencing this problem,  unable to use 4R as i hit something on short final every time regardless of aircraft type.


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2009, 12:20:28 am »
I can only confirm that we can't reproduce it. No problems whatsoever here with runway 4R.

Could you check if it happens with a default airplane, and if it's related in some way to the terrain mesh resolution slider in the settings ? Because, the scenery has a precise flatten for the water, in order to realistically depict the difference between the 0-level water and the slightly higher runway, but it might not work well if the mesh resolution is set too low so, this might be worth trying.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2009, 12:25:01 am by virtuali »


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2009, 02:27:50 am »
I experienced the same issue this evening.  I loaded a pre saved flight and flew the ENE4 arrival from TOD at PVD VOR on Vatsim.  Vectors to the ILS 4R approach and bang, slammed to the ground about 100 yards from the threshold.

I exited FS, restarted and created a new flight sitting at 4R at KJFK.  I then slewed out to a 3nm final and flew the short approach (in the same aircraft used previously [overland/SMS 747-400]).  Guess what?  No problems landing at all.  It almost seems like it only occurs if I arrive at the airport from outside the scenery area.  (although on the accident flight, I made a point of reloading the scenery library when about 15-20nm from the field)

If I start the flight at KJFK (which is what I suspect you are doing when trying to reproduce the crash) there are no observable issues whatsoever.

Very strange


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2009, 12:52:10 am »
I have experienced the same exact problem here on approach to runway 4L at the same altitude of about 75 feet I hit something that slams me into the ground. I am flying the PMDG MD-11 and i dont have any other programs that could possibly interfere.


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Re: JFK FSX 4R Approach Crash
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2009, 01:00:48 am »
I am flying the PMDG MD-11 and i dont have any other programs that could possibly interfere.

The other guy had the PMDG MD11 too. Can you please verify it with another airplane, possibly a default one ?

Another possible cause for this, is the PC that is lagging behind in loading the underneath mesh, because the higher resolutions are loaded depending on distance and if, because of too high settings and low fps (which might be a problem at a dense area like JFK ), there might be a delay loading the mesh, not the visual part of it, but the data that is used to detect an impact on the terrain might not be updated.

A solution might be trying to lower the settings, to give the system more headroom to load terrain faster.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 01:06:23 am by virtuali »