Author Topic: KMEM not showing up in Scenery Library  (Read 5592 times)


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KMEM not showing up in Scenery Library
« on: November 27, 2016, 10:08:23 pm »
I am using FSX-Steam only and window 10.  Installed KMEM with no problem as shown in the manual; however, after registered with code I receive the following message in the “addons “ menu FSDTDreamTeam KMEM  “active but not installed in scenery library”.  With anti-virus disabled the current Stand Alone Addon Manger is installed.
Couatl menu is present.  All other installed FSDT sceneries are ok.
If I start with KMEM I get the default scenery.
Did try Uninstalled from” control panel” however did not uninstall addon manager and Couatl as requested. Should those also be uninstalled?  After reinstall same problem.

Couatl.ERR  reads as follows:

couatl v3.1 (build 3467)
panic log started on Fri Jul 01 13:04:37 2016

problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "couatl\GSX\", line 384, in <lambda>
  File "couatl\common\", line 223, in showMenusWithSameTag
  File "couatl\common\", line 78, in showContainer
  File "couatl\common\", line 202, in show
  File "couatl\GSX\", line 156, in perform
  File "couatl\GSX\", line 142, in formatGate
AttributeError: 'Couatl.Parking' object has no attribute '_bglNameNumber'
{'Airport': 'KMCO', 'User Pos': (28.433526629997882, -81.32682242113984, 32.6428 m, 3.38281 m, 359.8307644097425)}

Just can’t get KMEM to show up in scenery library.
Thank you for any assistance.


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Re: KMEM not showing up in Scenery Library
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2016, 09:31:36 am »
I am using FSX-Steam only and window 10.  Installed KMEM with no problem as shown in the manual; however, after registered with code I receive the following message in the “addons “ menu FSDTDreamTeam KMEM  “active but not installed in scenery library”. 

The most likely problem is that you have your FSX:SE registry keys corrupted, which can happen for the following reasons:

1) You used to have FSX installed when you installed FSX:SE, then you removed FSX incorrectly and not completely


2) A 3rd party product which is not compatible with FSX:SE "Dual" mode of operation, has corrupted your FSX:SE registry keys, in order to install itself, confusing a proper installer like our own, properly supports FSX:SE and FSX installed together, but requires all the registry keys to be correct.

See here for an explanation how your registry keys are supposed to be:,14166.msg104727.html#msg104727

AFTER you fix the registry, you must REINSTALL KMEM.

Couatl.ERR  reads as follows:

couatl v3.1 (build 3467)
panic log started on Fri Jul 01 13:04:37 2016

Your error log is from July, so it's not relevant here.


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Re: KMEM not showing up in Scenery Library
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2016, 03:15:45 pm »
Thank you for your quick reply. I should have mentioned that FSX-Steam was installed  on clean HD and W10.  No FSX was on the HD. There was no dual install with FSX and FSX-SE. I have all FSDT sceneries install with no problems.  I would hope there is not a registry problem.  When I re-instlled KMEM ithe files are present in the folders where all the other FSDT sceneries are located.
Should I uninstall KMEM again and the addon manager and courtal when requested, then do a re-install?

This may be the cause. I re-installed addon manager and all went well until received this  message  "adding Couatl section to DLL.XML" "system cannot find file specified".  Continued installation with no other problems. All FSDT scenery ok except KMEM.   
Hope this helps. 
« Last Edit: November 28, 2016, 04:15:22 pm by carl42 »


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Re: KMEM not showing up in Scenery Library
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2016, 05:52:41 pm »
Thank you for your quick reply. I should have mentioned that FSX-Steam was installed  on clean HD and W10.  No FSX was on the HD. There was no dual install with FSX and FSX-SE.

That doesn't mean much. Even if you never had FSX, it's possible another defective addon installer was confused by the FSX:SE keys, and set them wrong so yes, they can still be corrupted.

This may be the cause.

Sure it is.

Again, check and fix your registry keys. As I've already said in the linked post, the correct situation for a clean FSX:SE install with no FSX, is as follows:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\10.0\AppPath  (the FSX registry key ) pointing to the FSX folder under Steam

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition\10.0  (the FSX:SE registry key ) not existing!!.

Note that, with "not existing", I mean ONLY the "10.0" sub-folder with the "AppPath" value inside, not the whole key! If you have this "10.0" sub-folder, remove it.

The Co-existence registry key in the same folder MUST be set to 0.

And, if you have the following folder:


You must remove it. THIS is the only correct situation when only FSX:SE is installed.

I re-installed addon manager and all went well until received this  message  "adding Couatl section to DLL.XML" "system cannot find file specified".  Continued installation with no other problems. All FSDT scenery ok except KMEM.

There's no difference whatsoever in the handling of registry keys and XML files between KMEM and other FSDT sceneries.

AFTER you fix the registry, you must REINSTALL KMEM.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2016, 05:57:20 pm by virtuali »


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Re: KMEM not showing up in Scenery Library
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2016, 08:55:43 pm »
Thank you for your excellent service.  KMEM is now and up and running.