Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

Start again XPOI after error


Hi. I am an enthustiastic user of XPOI. I think it does a great job.
It happens, sometimes, that becuase of the great amount of infos I ask to show, Xpoi crashes and stop working simply desappearing from menu of add on in FSX.
Is there a way to restart within FSX while FSX is running?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.


It would be best if you could indicate a reproducible test case, so we could try to fix the crash instead. I assume you mean you lost the whole Couatl menu ?


--- Quote from: virtuali on October 17, 2016, 09:06:22 am ---It would be best if you could indicate a reproducible test case, so we could try to fix the crash instead. I assume you mean you lost the whole Couatl menu ?

--- End quote ---

Yes, exactly.
Let's say I have configured Xpoi to show Facilities, Hydrography, Mountains and Cities (every item in "show all features").
As soon as I click on OK, going back to FSX running Xpoi last some seconds and then simply desappears. You say it right: I lost the whole Couatl menu.
I would like to know if there is (I do not know how.... maybe executing some executable in some folder) a way to start again Xpoi without being forced to leave FSX.


Please indicate your location. The points density can change dramatically from one place to the other, so we need to check in your exact place, if there is indeed an issue of too many points.

--- Quote ---I would like to know if there is (I do not know how.... maybe executing some executable in some folder) a way to start again Xpoi without being forced to leave FSX.
--- End quote ---

No, there isn't. It would be usually Couatl.exe from the FSX\fsdreamteam\Couatl folder but, I don't think it will be able to resume a session after a crash.


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