Author Topic: GSX crashing every time  (Read 5804 times)


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GSX crashing every time
« on: September 26, 2016, 02:43:37 am »

After decades of perfectly work, since about 7-10 days ago my FSX started to crash almost every time after trying to request GSX services. I'm not using any new aircrafts or background programs, just the same scenario of all the times (AS2016 + PMDG + IvAp v2).

I'm attaching couatl.err.

I tried lots of times over my everyday airports (SBSP, SBRJ, SBGR, SBGL), without using AES on them, without 3rd-part antivirus (Windows Defender and Windows Firewall always turned off), using the very same 737 from PMDG I use since years ago.

It doesn't matter what option I first request from GSX (boarding, deboarding, pushback), it's crashing.

I uninstalled GSX, Addon Manager, Couatl many times to try a new installation, despite those softwares were already up-to-date on my computer, and it did not make any difference.

This time, I'm fighting with GSX by 3 hours, trying to start my first sunday flight, without sucess.

The simulator do not show any error message, it just freezes completely, instantly after requesting any option from GSX, needing to be shutdown via taskmanager.

My ivap v2 always run externally, my fsx always run windowed, and the problem occur even if I do not load IvAp first.. in other words, before loading ivap, it's crashing.

FSUIPC registered, with very very few options used.

I will surely apreciate any help.


Marcelo Monteiro


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Re: GSX crashing every time
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2016, 09:24:47 am »
Your error log shows messages that basically shouldn't exists. Are you SURE you are using the latest GSX version ? If not, download and install ONLY the current GSX FULL installer. Don't install anything else.

Also, are those airports default ones ? If not, please indicate the scenery used.


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Re: GSX crashing every time
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2016, 06:37:15 pm »
I'm SURE my GSX is up to date (v1.9.9.5). Actually, these days I've been re-downloading GSX dozens of time to assure this.

This specific airport (SBSP) is not default, it's "Congonhas - SBSP freeware by RGons in memoriam", a pretty much known scenery in the brazilian simming community that I'm using since a long time ago, but it also occurs everywhere else, like LSZH v2 by Aerosoft, Rio SBRJ by TropicalSim, SBSV by Paulo Ricardo, SBCT by Zanolli, and any other place where I try to request GSX services.


Marcelo Monteiro


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Re: GSX crashing every time
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2016, 09:35:10 pm »
Please indicate a reproducible case over a default airport (or an FSDT airport), with a default airplane using a default (non-customized) GSX configuration, so we can test it.


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Re: GSX crashing every time
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2016, 05:38:27 am »
Since I read your last reply earlier, I became severely resistent to get around the "simming world" with default FSX Boeings trying to reproduce things, because, in fact, I can not realize you will insinuate that you will not guarantee compatibility between your product and high-end add-on sceneries and/or aicrafts like those. I do not have enough free time to make such searchs, and my very few minutes of leisure will be spent flying, not testing softwares.

I gave you multiple scenarios, with different scenery developers, not just one, clearly implying it's not related to them.

I also attached that log specially to let you know, in your own programming language, what was going wrong, and avoid protracting this thread with lots of sequenced questions, but looks like you were unable to understand what your own software is writing on its own log.

Definitely, I will not pay me to look around FSX world to search for such scenario, specially because at this very present moment I became even more astonished calling GSX menu at SBCT and receiving a "GSX trial" menu inviting me to enjoy GSX at three specific airports (KSFO or another 2), despite Addon Manager showing GSX status as PRODUCT ACTIVE. Instants later, the freeze happened again.

At long last, what looked bad, got worse.

Maybe one day, by coincidence, I will land on a default airport, with a default aircraft and will find what you are requesting, and return here to answer.

By now, I will interpret your last answer as an "except" (not tied before buying process) about your product implying its not assured GSX will be compatible with 3rd-part sceneries (just with FSDT airports) and/or 3rd-part aircrafts, even remembering that the strongest merchandising/purpose involving GSX is just the ability to work everywhere, with every aircraft.


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Re: GSX crashing every time
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2016, 01:48:44 pm »
If you wish help with your problem I would suggest you modify your attitude!!!!


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Re: GSX crashing every time
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2016, 03:13:31 pm »
in fact, I can not realize you will insinuate that you will not guarantee compatibility between your product and high-end add-on sceneries and/or aicrafts like those.

I'm not "insinuating" anything. It's called TROUBLESHOOTING PROCESS. Since we cannot (OBVIOUSLY) test with each and every random 3rd party addon in the world, nor you can expect we would download and install any random scenery, the clear first troubleshooting step would be trying with a default airport and a default airplane.

That doesn't mean anything about your "insinuation" about GSX not working on 3rd party airports and airplane, because it obviously does, everybody knows that, and that's how most users use it normally.

It only means it's a first step understanding YOUR error, that nobody ever reported before, and it basically shouldn't happen.

I also attached that log specially to let you know, in your own programming language, what was going wrong, and avoid protracting this thread with lots of sequenced questions, but looks like you were unable to understand what your own software is writing on its own log.

It's BECAUSE you attached that log, that I replied with further instructions. The log shows an error that we cannot replicate, and nobody else has reported it.

WHICH IS WHY, you have being asked to do as instructed.

Now, you can follow the incredibly EASY instructions to just go to a default airport with a default airplane, which shouldn't take more than 2 minutes of your free time (way less than writing the previous post), or you might just decide it's not worth your time, and continue with the error.

I'm waiting with your new error log, using a default (or an FSDT) airport with a default airplane.


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Re: GSX crashing every time
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2016, 04:15:07 pm »
In fact, last night I was pretty angry with the situation, what explains (partly) the severity of my words.

However, now I have another problem that requires solution in first place, as my GSX shows the "trial menu" everywhere, even having a "product active" status on Addon Manager interface.

So, I cannot execute your suggest procedure as my GSX, though active, works as trial, being impossible to request any service anywhere, within any aircraft.

Marcelo Monteiro


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Re: GSX crashing every time
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2016, 04:43:19 pm »
[qutoe]So, I cannot execute your suggest procedure as my GSX, though active, works as trial, being impossible to request any service anywhere, within any aircraft.[/quote]

Sure you can. In fact, testing with a default or an FSDT airport is PRECISELY what you CAN do, even in Trial, because:

- In Trial mode you have 3 default airports to choose from

- In Trial mode you can use ANY FSDT airport.

- Any airplane can be used in Trial mode.

However, now I have another problem that requires solution in first place, as my GSX shows the "trial menu" everywhere, even having a "product active" status on Addon Manager interface.

That seems to indicate you are mistakenly running FSX in "Compatibility" mode ( like XP under Windows 7/8/10, for example), which is not default and not how FSX should run.

Turn off every Compatibility option for FSX, and for any other 3rd party addon that starts with it.


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Re: GSX crashing every time
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2016, 06:18:22 pm »
Surely it's not running on compatibility mode, neither FSX, AS2016, IvAp or any other exe launched with FSX process.

I'm running Windows 10 64-bit (v1607), without any compatibility option on then.

I have only tagged "run as administrador" inside their properties, all of then.

Tonight I will try as suggested.

Marcelo Monteiro


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Re: GSX crashing every time
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2016, 01:09:11 am »
Testing once a time in LSGG with default A321, it did not happen, what I sincerrly supposed, because I know it's really possible to have a problem not occuring at a default or FSDT scenery and/or with default aircrafts, but ocurring under 3rd-part softwares.

But, just after testing, I tried a free flight from SBSP and it happened just after request boarding on gate 1.

This time, GSX did not generated that couatl.err file....

I don't know now what to do. I used to use GSX at this airport without any problem for a long time...

Marcelo Monteiro


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Re: GSX crashing every time
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2016, 09:19:54 am »
Testing once a time in LSGG with default A321, it did not happen

I was quite sure of that...

But, just after testing, I tried a free flight from SBSP and it happened just after request boarding on gate 1.

Ok, since you don't say if this crash happened with the default A321 or another airplane, the next step, to understand if the problem it's the airplane you are using or the scenery you are using is:

- Test the previous scenery (LSGG) that worked with the default A321, with the same airplane (assuming it's different) that crashed at SBSP.

- Test SBSP with the default A321, if you haven't done it yet.