As it so happens, three of the FSDT products that I have licenses for fall into this category (KFLL, PHNL, KLAX) and I've wanted KDFW for a while, almost recently purchasing it this past weekend with the combo discount with GSX.
That's not entirely correct. KLAX and KDFW are BOTH 100% compliant with P3D 3.x, and they don't use any FS9 code. The only sceneries that still use FS9 code are:
- JFK V1. We FULL advertise this as an FS9 scenery, and suggest users to buy (or upgrade to) JFK V2
- O'Hare, which is planned for a total remake
- Geneva, which is also planned for an upgrade.
This leaves just Zurich and the Hawaiian airports so, it's just 4 products out of 18 we have on sale here.
Maybe you were confused by KLAX and KDFW possibly made using FS9 ground polygons, because they ALSO available for FS9, but it's not like that, both these sceneries have been designed for FSX right from the start, and back-ported (with great effort) to FS9.
That all being said, FSDT markets their products as either being compatible with "Lockheed Martin Prepar3D" or "Lockheed Martin Prepar3D 1.4 or later" (both quotes taken directly from FSDT product pages). So I will grant that none of the products are explicitly stated to be compatible with the latest version, v3, but these descriptions do imply that. Again, I'm merely looking at product text here.
That's not entirely true. The issue, as you correctly said, is the usage of FS9 ( more correctly, FS8 ), ground polygons, which cause some issues in P3D and are not in general good performers.
And if you check all the descriptions for the sceneries that don't have this issue, you can see this:
NEW Ground Shaders technology with 100% "Pure FSX" code (FSX only)
This indicates the scenery, although is still available in an FS9 version, doesn't use ANY FS8 code code in the FSX version.
The description, of course, is not even required for the later products that don't even have an FS9 version to begin with, like KMEM, CYVR, KIAH, etc.
So, if you know the issue is the usage of FS8 ground polygons issue, you have all the information to recognize which sceneries don't have any of them. And if you don't, the Trial is your friend.
And in total and complete fairness to FSDT, you guys offer full, time-limited trials to your products. While that is almost unheard of in the FS scenery community, it's still not sufficient to folks to that may not understand the detriment that not-fully-P3D-compliant ground poly has on both aesthetics and performance.
I simply don't agree here. The Trial, as it's made, is more than enough to evaluate every aspect of a scenery. It doesn't ever expire. It's NOT just "5-6 minutes". It's 5-6 minutes PER SESSION.
This mean an user wanting to try different things, like fps, compatibility with other products, detail, accuracy of the navaids, etc. can dedicate a separate 5-6 minutes session for each separate test. He can try different settings, for example, restart the sim, exit again, try again new settings, etc. This, for an unlimited amount of time and with no expiration date. It has been DESIGNED to be totally suited to the tinkering nature of the typical enquiring flight sim user.
So, in general, I'd say that most of the scenery we made are totally and entirely compatible with every P3D version, and this includes EVERYTHING we released from KDFW onward (so it's 100% of the sceneries we made in the past 6 years), and for older sceneries, the Trial is entirely suited to allow potential new users if the level of compatibility with the latest sims is enough for them.