Author Topic: GSX crashes  (Read 2472 times)


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GSX crashes
« on: August 21, 2016, 09:10:34 pm »
Hello.  I really have enjoyed your products, both the airports (I have ORD, LAX, DFW, HNL, and FLL), and I really enjoyed GSX as it added a more immersive feel to the airline flights.  I mostly fly my simulator a couple times a week on the weekend.

About two months ago I started getting crashes to desktop, no error message, the sim would just stop, then the little blue circle, and it would freeze until I go to task manager and end it.  I had installed the latest version of my Traffic X so I thought that might be the culprit, but that was so complicated I decided to bite the bullet and do a clean reinstall of FSX which hadn’t been done since I got the computer about 5 years ago.  With the add ons that was a solid two weekends of work.  My
traffic X was the first put back and it caused no problems.  Then various airports, the genesis World mesh (which excludes North America), with your airports and GSX coming last.

The crashes started again after your GSX was installed.  I read the forums and looked for problems like mine, and found sometimes bad installs were the culprit, so I reinstalled everything from FS Dream Team, being sure my virus protection was off.  That worked for a while, I would get occasional crashes, but not frequent so tolerable (maybe once every 5 flights or so).

I save my flights periodically for this reason.  Today I got ready to take a flight and there was no GSX installed (this happens occasionally, where GSX will just uninstall itself, not sure why (about once every 10 flights or so).   Usually I reinstall (again with virus scan off) no problem.  This time something different happened, a new dialogue box appeared wanting to install SODE (don’t know what that is, hadn’t seen before, I declined).  After all else installed it still crashed frequently.  I reinstalled.  Same thing (though no SODE box this time).  I then used windows backup-restore to restore my machine to yesterday, and tried again.  After the restoration GSX was still there and active (though as mentioned this morning it was gone, so maybe it was put back in the restoration).  It still crashed.  I reinstalled GSX and this time got the SODE box, and accepted it this time.  Still crashed.  I then reinstalled the Add on manager, and tried starting a fresh flight instead of my saved flight.  Crashed again.

I’m afraid GSX has made my machine un-ustable.  Not sure why it changed in the last update, but something went wrong.  I’ve echoed some of the things others have said in your forum, your update manager just has the potential to make things worse.  I used the GSX product for a couple years with no problem and I really liked it, but the problems I had this year means I am ready to live without it because it crashes my machine.  I really didn’t have the time to do that reinstall of flight sim, or all the time I spent today trying to get the thing to work.  In my busy life I can give just a few hours to simulator on the weekend, and I can’t spend days fixing the broken programs.
So please make a version that is less dependent on the updater, and less likely to be fouled by the virus scan software.  I know you guys meant to have a product that is easy to update and kept getting better, but it didn’t work for lots of folks and I think we need something simpler and less prone to problems.

As I started to write this note my virus scan reactivated (I had it disables for an hour) and said it quarantined Bglmanx.dll   as a Tojan.  I’m going to restore as an approved file in my virus scan that and try again.  If that doesn’t work I’m going to try another system restore, then I would like to try an uninstall of GSX.  I have already disabled it but that didn’t uninstall it.  I didn’t find an uninstaller in the folder, but in the main FSX folder it looks like there might be one (it is not labeled GSX but it has your logo and it looks like an uninstaller, can I just run this to uninstall or is there a problem with that?  If it isn’t GSX but is the add on manager, will any of the airports work without the add on manager?  If all else fails I will have to do another reinstall of FSX and exclude GSX.  I hope you guys can save me from that.   

Here is my system specs and a few of the crash logs.:
Windows 7 home premium
Intel i7-2700K @3.5 GHZ  64 Bit Operating System, 16 GB RAM
Nivida GeForce GTX 580
Microsoft Flight Simulator X Gold DVD
FUSIP 4.6a unregistered

During these crashes I was flying the stock Microsoft 737 with no weather or other environment add ons other than genesis mesh, flying towards but still 100 miles away from Aerosoft Mega airport Heathrow.

Other changes to the computer prior to these crashes, installed a fitbit wireless adaptor and related software, and installed a new usb keyboard with drivers.


-   System
      -   Provider
         [ Name]    Application Error

      -   EventID   1000
         [ Qualifiers]    0

         Level   2

         Task   100

         Keywords   0x80000000000000

      -   TimeCreated
         [ SystemTime]    2016-08-21T14:20:18.000000000Z

         EventRecordID   158599

         Channel   Application

         Computer   Kevin-PC


-   EventData
         F:\FSX DVD 2016\fsdreamteam\couatl\couatl.exe

-   System
      -   Provider
         [ Name]    Windows Error Reporting

      -   EventID   1001
         [ Qualifiers]    0

         Level   4

         Task   0

         Keywords   0x80000000000000

      -   TimeCreated
         [ SystemTime]    2016-08-21T14:20:19.000000000Z

         EventRecordID   158600

         Channel   Application

         Computer   Kevin-PC


-   EventData
         Not available
- System

  - Provider

   [ Name]  Application Hang
  - EventID 1002

   [ Qualifiers]  0
   Level 2

   Task 101
   Keywords 0x80000000000000
  - TimeCreated

   [ SystemTime]  2016-08-21T15:07:25.000000000Z
   EventRecordID 158613
   Channel Application
   Computer Kevin-PC

- EventData

   F:\FSX DVD 2016\fsx.exe

Binary data:

In Words

0000: 006E0055 006E006B 0077006F 0000006E
0008: 0000   

In Bytes

0000: 55 00 6E 00 6B 00 6E 00   U.n.k.n.
0008: 6F 00 77 00 6E 00 00 00   o.w.n...
0010: 00 00                     ..

Thank You,



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Re: GSX crashes
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2016, 11:16:03 pm »
From your error log, I can see you are not running the latest version of the Couatl.exe program (the current one is 3.1.3532, so you are a couple of versions behind), which is not normally possible, if you installed it normally, since the installer download it when it runs. Assuming, of course, you ran the installer fairly recently, since the latest version is online since the end of July.

This is usually the antivirus fault, which you said yourself it mistakenly blocked bglmanx.dll, so we can assume it blocked Couatl.exe too, which explains both why you cannot get the latest version AND the crashes.

So, according to your report, what really caused your problems is your antivirus, that for some reason decided to attack our software, something it shouldn't do if it was a proper antivirus because:

- The software are clearly harmless. The false positive bugs are a very well known problem: that's why antivirus always have features to exclude files from scanning.

- They are all digitally signed by us. This is what antivirus vendors suggest to prevent false positives. Doesn't seem to work with the one you are using.

- They are all digitally signed with an additional (the industry standard Software Taggant) digital signature specifically made to prevent false-positives. A proper antivirus should *never* block executables digitally signed this way unless, of course, has decided to trust its own heuristic more than an official digital signature designed to prevent false positives.

So, as in all threads related to antivirus problems, installs as follows:

- Download and install the latest Stand-Alone Addon Manager or GSX, with the antivirus DISABLED

- Configure it to exclude the whole FSX from the antivirus scanning before trying to start FSX.


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Re: GSX crashes
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2016, 05:08:11 am »
Thank you for your advice.  I will be away from the Sim for more then a week, but will let you know the results when I next get a chance to tweak and test it.
