Author Topic: DX10 Fixer Issue  (Read 6760 times)


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DX10 Fixer Issue
« on: August 20, 2016, 01:33:00 am »
Well, I'm not entirely sure that its the DX10 causing this issue, but everytime I load an airport from FSDT, I am only seeing the gates and just as the rest of the terminal buildings are being loaded, FSX SE freezes up. It is still running and I can hear the engine sound of the aircraft but everything is frozen. If I load up at any other airport it works just fine. Any tips on how I can fix this?

Also, when I finally close down FSX from the Task Manager, I also get a message saying that Coualt has stopped working.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 01:36:44 am by Caribflyer »
Marlon Carter


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Re: DX10 Fixer Issue
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2016, 11:07:28 am »
Well, I'm not entirely sure that its the DX10 causing this issue, but everytime I load an airport from FSDT, I am only seeing the gates and just as the rest of the terminal buildings are being loaded, FSX SE freezes up.

That doesn't look like a video driver issue so, it's unlikely it's related to the DX10 fixer. Of course, it should be fairly easy to confirm this, by switching to DX9 as a test.

It is still running and I can hear the engine sound of the aircraft but everything is frozen. If I load up at any other airport it works just fine. Any tips on how I can fix this?

It might be a sound drivers issue.

Try to enable logging in the Troubleshooting section of the GSX - Settings menu, restart the sim, and after closing it down, check the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\Couatl.LOG and see if there are any errors there.

Also, when I finally close down FSX from the Task Manager, I also get a message saying that Coualt has stopped working

This is normal. By closing FSX abruptly, Couatl won't get a proper notification from it that is going to close, so it won't have a chance to clean up all its own internal memory and stuff. It's just a consequence of the freeze and the forced termination.


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Re: DX10 Fixer Issue
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2016, 03:15:22 pm »
I uninstalled DX10 Fixer and the problems seems to have stopped. However, I did notice that now GSX causes the same issue. When I tried to select a gate after landing, FSX SE froze up but as was the case before, the sound was still playing and in the Task Manager FSX SE was still running as normal (no "not responsive" messages)

Here is what my err log showed

couatl v3.1 (build 3532)
panic log started on Fri Aug 19 20:04:43 2016

problem raised by engine or unspecified addon
Application aborted because of C++ exception: <unknown error>
{'Airport': 'KLAX', 'User Pos': (33.93583320927437, -118.41915959541463, 39.5395 m, 1.13552 m, 82.96758696638487)}

I am also using the new FSLabs A320 so I am not sure if there is any new conflict.
Marlon Carter


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Re: DX10 Fixer Issue
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2016, 11:06:19 pm »
Application aborted because of C++ exception: <unknown error>

This error should basically never happen, and it looks as if there's a conflict between system libraries.

I am also using the new FSLabs A320 so I am not sure if there is any new conflict.

I haven't tried the latest version, but we were in touch with several beta testers for the FSLabs A320, and we made several changes to GSX to support it, following their suggestions, so I must assume there shouldn't be any conflicts with it, but of course, I cannot be sure without trying the final version.


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Re: DX10 Fixer Issue
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2016, 05:59:41 pm »
Thanks I will do some testing and also contact FSlabs. By the way, I sent you a PM on another matter.
Marlon Carter


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Re: DX10 Fixer Issue
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2016, 04:45:51 pm »
Here is the content of my log file

Python 2.7.6 Stackless 3.1b3 060516 (default, Feb 19 2015, 15:56:51) [MSC v.1800 32 bit (Intel)] wxPython
couatl v3.1 (build 3536)
log started on Sun Aug 28 10:41:19 2016

connecting to SimConnect...
connected to SimConnect
connected to bglmanx
Running in mode: FSX (bglmanx setting)
Loading addons
Loading addon common
Added Menu Item "Couatl settings" (id 67)
Addon common loaded
Loading addon LiveUpdate
Added Menu Item "Couatl Live Update" (id 69)
Added Menu SubItem "Disable Addon" (parentId 69, id 70)
Addon LiveUpdate loaded
requesting AddOn list to bglmanx
Added Menu SubItem "Restart Couatl" (parentId 67, id 71)
Added Menu SubItem "Restart Couatl and rebuild airport cache" (parentId 67, id 72)
Added Menu SubItem "Key Mappings..." (parentId 67, id 73)
Added Menu SubItem "Show YouControl™ Menu        Ctrl+F12" (parentId 67, id 77)
Current locale is English_United States.1252
Initializing audio...
Available devices:
  Generic Software on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) (47656e6572696320536f667477617265206f6e20537065616b65727320285265616c74656b204869676820446566696e6974696f6e20417564696f29)
Created OpenAL device: Generic Software on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)

Device info:
   Major version: 1
   Minor version: 1
   Frequency: 44100
   Refresh: 40
   Sync: 0
   Mono sources: 255
   Stereo sources: 1

Context info:
   Vendor: Creative Labs Inc.
   Version: 1.1
   Renderer: Software

Using EFX 1.0 extension, with 1 auxiliary send(s)
Using EAX reverb
Added Menu SubItem "Check Live Update" (parentId 69, id 81)
Slew mode False
Connection with FSX lost (has it crashed?)
disconnected from SimConnect.
Marlon Carter


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Re: DX10 Fixer Issue
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2016, 03:01:33 pm »
Your log now doesn't show any error on our side. Except that Couatl detected that FSX crashed. So, it's seems now that FSX is crashing for some reason (unrelated to us), and of course we can only report it.


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Re: DX10 Fixer Issue
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2016, 04:41:53 pm »
Thanks, I guess I will have to try figuring out the cause since it must be something else.
Marlon Carter


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Re: DX10 Fixer Issue
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2016, 06:28:07 am »
Here is a new reports from Event Viewer. I am not sure if this says anything or if this is just as a result of ending the FSX process in the Task Manager after it froze up.

   C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\fsdreamteam\couatl\couatl.exe

Marlon Carter


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Re: DX10 Fixer Issue
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2016, 10:56:14 am »
Here is a new reports from Event Viewer. I am not sure if this says anything or if this is just as a result of ending the FSX process in the Task Manager after it froze up.

If you still don't have any problems in the Couatl.LOG file, it means it's FSX that caused Couatl to crash, not vice-versa. In that case, it's just to be expected you would see errors related to Couatl in the Event Viewer, since no program responds well to being closed abruptly, especially with FSX, when external programs needs to receive a message from the host application (FSX) in order to know they are supposed to exit, something that FSX cannot send anymore, if it has crashed itself.


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Re: DX10 Fixer Issue
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2016, 12:16:28 pm »
I finally figured out what the problem was. It seemed that it was actually a hardware issue. Since installing the FSL A320, I assigned the Steering Set feature of the FSUIPC to my yoke stick and it seems like my FSX didn't like it very much. After changing this feature I no longer have any freeze up of FSX. Perhaps the process of louding scenery and constant hardware inputs was too much for FSX. I also updated my graphics card so this could have also been a factor but the definite change came from changing my joystick settings so that inputs are not constantly being sent to FSX for a variety of tasks (steering, and aileron control all in one..)
Marlon Carter