Author Topic: State of the real DFW  (Read 9750 times)


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State of the real DFW
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:22:17 am »
Thought I'd put a few notes for any would-be AFCAD creators. I would create my own, but I don't have time to at the moment.

E2 is closed for renovation, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, and E9 are United gates. E10 is a JetBlue gate, and a United gate when JetBlue isn't there. E11-E17 are closed for renovation. E18 is a Spirit gate. E20 is Frontier's gate. E21 is Air Canada (operated by Sky Regional SKV) gate. E22, E23, and E25-E30 are Delta gates. E24 is Alaska's gate. E31-E34 are Spirit gates. E35-E38 are down for reconfiguration... American plans to operate ExpressJet Eagle flights out of E35-E38 around the February-March 2016 timeframe.

These are regular operations, but some exceptions are made during irregular operations. E10, E21, E22, E23, and E34 are all technically common use gates, which any airline may occupy.

Terminal C usage is all MD-80s or A319s except for gate C38-C35 which currently support the Legacy-US flights to PHX and PHL, and the 767 gates which I believe are C4 and C7ish

Construction is expected to start on Terminal F, south of the existing Terminal D, in 2016.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 11:25:28 am by N76055 »


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Re: State of the real DFW
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2016, 03:08:56 am »
I realize this is an old topic but since it is not very far down I thought I'd add a few things.

If you go to the low A side.  The white building at the end of the ramp is no longer there.  The gate there is A8 (I work that gate in RL) Gates A1 - A7 do not exist.  Leaving the ramp onto the taxiway where this scenery shows as A9 that wall type thing is not back there.

If the FSDT decides to update portion's of this scenery, I can get them some pics of certain areas they would upgrade. 


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Re: State of the real DFW
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2016, 10:32:29 pm »
And another small change (cosmetic only)...the Skyway trams that run on the elevated tracks in a racetrack around all the terminals are now painted orange vs blue.

As far as the chaos which is terminal E....I'd say just leave the afcads be (unless your're into FREQUENT changes to the file).  I fly out of there a lot in the real world...and as a passenger (or a passenger picker-upper...that's the tech term for the person unfortunate enough with that task), oh my its a horrible experience on the ground transportation side.  The air side is getting "better", but dropping off or picking up a passenger is an experience that I would not wish on my worst enemy!