Author Topic: Gate position and crash  (Read 7419 times)


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Gate position and crash
« on: July 12, 2016, 07:06:57 am »
2 comments about the first landing at this airport, using P3D latest version and PMDG 777.
I haven't found any gate position suitable for the airplane size, is this true?
I got a crash (I can't stand with crash detection turned off) after passing abeam the 18R threshold, possibly after the bridge, and I was in normal taxi speed following the yellow line.


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Re: Gate position and crash
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2016, 11:33:35 am »
2 comments about the first landing at this airport, using P3D latest version and PMDG 777. I haven't found any gate position suitable for the airplane size, is this true?

There are several of them in the FedEx Apron.

I got a crash (I can't stand with crash detection turned off) after passing abeam the 18R threshold, possibly after the bridge, and I was in normal taxi speed following the yellow line.

Nobody reported this so far. Do you have the gear bump enabled in the KMEM settings ? If yes (it defaults to yes) try turning it off.


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Re: Gate position and crash
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2016, 04:07:24 am »
Where do I find the settings? I got no extra icons/links upon installation.
EDIT --> Nevermind, I found that and will test next time. Also I will test with Pre-Render set to 1.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 04:30:49 am by AirBorne »


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Re: Gate position and crash
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2016, 06:34:53 am »
I was able to reproduce the crash a couple of times, here is the video showing what and where it happens:

I also disabled the Gear Bump thing, so it's not the cause of the crash.


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Re: Gate position and crash
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2016, 11:42:40 am »
I tried passing in the same spot as in your video with the PMDG 777, but couldn't replicate the crash. So, it must be another 3rd party scenery you have for the area, like a mesh or vector scenery.


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Re: Gate position and crash
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2016, 05:12:22 am »
The only things that I use that may have some impact is the FreeMesh X and the Orbx Vector.
Regarding the mesh I use Tessellation and 10 meters (less that that causes issues at other places). Regarding the vector I had to run the tool in order to solve the elevation issues, everything seems alright except for this crash area. And I also noticed that the crash only occurs in this direction (coming from the other way around does not crash).


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Re: Gate position and crash
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2016, 10:16:10 am »
The only things that I use that may have some impact is the FreeMesh X and the Orbx Vector.

That's exactly what I thought. Have you tried disabling both of them ?


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Re: Gate position and crash
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2016, 12:56:48 am »
Yes, one by one, individually, but the issue persisted.
I even tried to have some screenshots, but they didn't save, probably because I was in Slew mode: I managed to find out that if I taxied VERY slowly it would not crash immediately, but it would raise the nose (like if the nosewheel hit something that made the plane to pitch up until a tailstrike occurs), so at this moment I hit the Slew command and the plane "freezed" in a pitch up attitude. If I released the Slew it would probably crash. Anyway, I noticed that at that very particular position if I lowered the view to the ground I could get past the ground level and I could see some "void" space below ground level, next to an uphill that leveled to the visible ground. I suppose that this is the technique your team used in order to make the bridge (car road passing below the taxiway), but I suspect, if you allow me to, that the issue could be related to the "edge" of this "suspended ground" to the "real ground", if you will. Visually speaking there is really nothing seen, no spikes, no discontinuities, no texture breaks, etc...


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Re: Gate position and crash
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2016, 10:05:08 am »
I'm sorry but, as I've said, I tried doing the same, with the PMDG 777, and I cannot replicate the crash, so it must be some other 3rd party scenery you installed that you might have forgot about it. I was using a normal taxi speed of about 15 kts.


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Re: Gate position and crash
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2016, 03:17:14 am »
I don't doubt you, but I really haven't installed anything other than that for this region. I even haven't flown to KMEM before, due to the lack of a good scenery. I used to fly in FS2004, in which I had a nice one.
So for now I'm gonna avoid that taxiway, until something new shows up. :-)