unfortunately i have some problems with GSX (at least since the last update). For example, sometimes when i load my airplane and the ground services, some vehicles (often stairs or baggage cars) are invisible unless i either restart couatle-engine, reset the parking position or choose a different operator. So i assume it is not my system (everything properly installed plus highmemfix). Re-installing entire gsx and only stand-alone manager did not help. A second problem (which i have so far only observed in YSSY by FlyTampa, please see below) happens after i pre-selected ground services for gate D45 in YSSY with the PMDG 737 after a 1:30 Flight from Hobart in-flight, when I want to request the follow-me car after vacating the runway. Then, the screen gets black and i get an error message with the log shown below that says something like <unknown> addon has caused the couatle engine to stop/crash (i do not exactly know) then it asks me to either restart the engine or not (after which it would close). Of course, I restart it, i am then back on the taxiway and then finally able to request the services including follow me car. Does anybody have similar problems or even a solution to it? I would appreciate any help. thanks in advance,
couatl v3.1 (build 3487)
panic log started on Fri Jun 17 14:35:12 2016
problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "couatl\GSX\__init__.py", line 214, in prepareGate
File "couatl\GSX\parkingServices\__init__.py", line 98, in setGate
File "couatl\GSX\parkingServices\followMe.py", line 157, in __init__
File "couatl\GSX\parkingServices\followMe.py", line 260, in nodeNearestToAircraft
File "couatl\GSX\parkingServices\followMe.py", line 269, in _nodeNearestToPosition
RuntimeError: No edges in this airport
{'Requested FollowMe to': 'Gate D 45', 'Airport': 'ZSSY', 'Requested parking services to': 'Gate D 45', 'User Pos': (-33.951477062116595, 151.18694040789296, 8.85518 m, 2.45518 m, 317.6353181077248)}
Ad: I am using ASN (SP4.1) and FSX. So, I tested the effect of ASN by starting FSX (requesting GSX services in YSSY) without starting ASN and i have similuar issues of missing vehicles.