Author Topic: Major Bounce **SOLVED - P3D bug when Avatar is disabled**  (Read 20736 times)


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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2016, 04:25:10 am »
Ok, judging from your lack of response Virtuali, I would presume that you are not going to look into this and try to resolve it.
Tony B.

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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2016, 09:12:40 am »
Ok, judging from your lack of response Virtuali, I would presume that you are not going to look into this and try to resolve it.

Judging from your attitude against other FELLOW users, I would presume that you should have earned a ban instead.

But in order not to confuse this thread (which is about KMEM) any further than you already did, and save you from some embarrassment for your behavior, I removed some of your comments against me and other users.

Since you said yourself:

I tested it on 3 FlyTampa airports, 2 Orbx airports, 1 FlightBeam airport, 1 ImagineSim airport, 1 Aerosoft airport, 1 freeware airport and 2 FSDT airports. It only happens on the FSDT airfields.

If none of these 2 FSDT airports you tested it's KMEM, then please post a precise description of the problem in the proper support area of the affected scenery (just ONE it's enough, of course), clearly indicating:

- The airplane used.

- Your location on the airport

- Which other scenery addons you have installed.

- The precise reproduction steps that cause the problem.

Fred K

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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2016, 09:46:51 pm »
I am seeing the exact same bounce behavior that Flying Ace exhibited in his videos.  It happens at KMEM only....that is the only FSDreamteam scenery that I currently have.  The "bounce" is induced by switching from top-down view to outside cockpit view for me.  The plane drops a good 20 feet or so and bounces around several times before it comes to rest.  I am flying the SimA 737.  The only other add-ons I have are UTX and GEX.  This behavior did not happen at KMEM prior to adding the FSDreamteam scenery.  It started happening first thing after adding the KMEM scenery.

Would be nice to have a fix!

Fred K


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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2016, 02:40:28 am »
I am seeing the exact same bounce behavior that Flying Ace exhibited in his videos.  It happens at KMEM only....that is the only FSDreamteam scenery that I currently have.  The "bounce" is induced by switching from top-down view to outside cockpit view for me.  The plane drops a good 20 feet or so and bounces around several times before it comes to rest.  I am flying the SimA 737.  The only other add-ons I have are UTX and GEX.  This behavior did not happen at KMEM prior to adding the FSDreamteam scenery.  It started happening first thing after adding the KMEM scenery.

Would be nice to have a fix!

Fred K

Ok so now that's 3 of FSDT airports that are causing the same drop/bounce, which is what I've been saying all along. And, once again, given that it doesn't happen at any other airport by other developers, payware or freeware, deductive reasoning dictates that it will most likely happen at other FSDT airports as well. That said, the obvious question now is for Virtuali, do you still think it has nothing to do with FSDT scenery?
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 02:42:03 am by FlyingAce »
Tony B.

i7 4770K 3.5Ghz, 16GB RAM, ASUS GTX1070 GPU with 8GB VRAM, 500GB Samsung 850 PRO SSD, 2 ASUS 24" monitors and 1 Samsung 19" monitor.


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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2016, 10:30:45 am »
And, once again, given that it doesn't happen at any other airport by other developers, payware or freeware, deductive reasoning dictates that it will most likely happen at other FSDT airports as well. That said, the obvious question now is for Virtuali, do you still think it has nothing to do with FSDT scenery?

Sure. You might have a point if you had another scenery for the *same* airport, but this way, the only thing you can say, is that this issue happens AT those places, not that it's *caused* by the FSDT scenery, just that is affected by it.

As you can see, it doesn't happen on my system, testing the same place ( CYVR, Gate 50, PMDG 777 ),14407.msg106189.html#msg106189
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 10:36:11 am by virtuali »

Fred K

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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2016, 04:50:22 pm »

Can you suggest anything to look for then that can be affecting this behavior then? 

Additional information.....

In my case this is happening on completely fresh installs of WIN 10 and P3Dv3.3.5 (the latest update of Windows 10 had completely corrupted things).  I run my visuals using WideView (a server plus 3 clients).  So I have 3 instances of FSDreamteam Memphis running on my clients.  All computers are 100% dedicated for Sim use.  The only other add-ons I have are UTX and GEX.....and if I disable those I see the same bounce thing happening. I normally use the display on my WV server for top-down view only to navigate taxiways etc.

So...I am now seeing some strange things happening at KMEM.  For example, if I am flying into KMEM from another airport the plane literally lands about 25 feet above the ground and continues to float above the ground after landing.  If I switch out of "top-down" view on the server the plane will then immediately drop the 25 feet to the ground on the WV clients.  Likewise if I am taking off at KMEM all is normal until a few seconds after lift-off where the plane will abruptly rise vertically by that 25 feet or so.

Also, after installing the FSDreamteam KMEM scenery I see some other strange anomalies happen on P3D startup.  My home airport is KRIC and that is where my WV client computers boot to on startup.  Now on boot-up I am experiencing the plane dropping from the air and doing the bounce thing always settling in a different orientation at the airport for the display on each client.  This part is not necessarily a problem for me because when I start the WV server the plane positions adjust back to normal.  Likewise, take-off and landings from KRIC or any other airports are completely normal.  However, I mention it because perhaps it can provide a clue as to what is going on.

In thinking about it feeling is that something changed in the WV client aircraft.cfgs with the installation of the KMEM scenery that is causing this.  Also, that change would not have happened on my WV server since there is no need to install the KMEM scenery there since I do not use the server for visual display.  So perhaps there is some kind of incompatabilty there.  I plan to do some further investigation with all that.  I will report back what I find.

Right now I only have KMEM installed as an airport scenery addon.  Before I reinstalled Windows and P3D I had FSDreamteam KMEM installed and also many other airport sceneries including FSDreamteam JFK V2. I saw the same behavior for FSD KMEM then.  However there were no problems with any other addon airports including FSDT JFK.

Hopefully this additional information will point to some clues. Any further ideas would be much appreciated of course.

Fred K


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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2016, 09:01:05 pm »
So...I am now seeing some strange things happening at KMEM.  For example, if I am flying into KMEM from another airport the plane literally lands about 25 feet above the ground and continues to float above the ground after landing.

Yes, it happens to me as well, and I have no problems admitting it. However, it happens to me (not always, I'd say 15% of the times), even with default airports. Or, when moving from a default airport to a non-default airport and vice-versa. Is not specifically related to KMEM.

KMEM has its own specific *side* effects that happens WHEN this happens, due to how it's made, but it's just how KMEM reacts to the issue that happens (sometimes) anyway, and not just on FSDT airport.

When I realize this is happening, what I usually do is press the Y key immediately, to put the sim in Slew mode, then I move the cursor keys a bit forward/backward, press F1 to have the plane "stick" on ground, then I exit Slew mode.

I think it's just the sim that needs some time to adjust the new ground altitude, and this is a problem that can happen everywhere, it's just that KMEM might REACT more visibly to it, due to the very peculiar way it's made.

If I switch out of "top-down" view on the server the plane will then immediately drop the 25 feet to the ground on the WV clients.  Likewise if I am taking off at KMEM all is normal until a few seconds after lift-off where the plane will abruptly rise vertically by that 25 feet or so.

In thinking about it feeling is that something changed in the WV client aircraft.cfgs with the installation of the KMEM scenery that is causing this.  Also, that change would not have happened on my WV server since there is no need to install the KMEM scenery there since I do not use the server for visual display.  So perhaps there is some kind of incompatabilty there.  I plan to do some further investigation with all that.  I will report back what I find.

Using a network configuration surely will add to the complexity and so many new things can go wrong. We can only rely on your reports, because we surely never test or design the sceneries to support such configuration
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 01:19:57 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2016, 03:51:01 am »
I also have the issue with the bounces at KMEM.  If I go to external view the airplane bounces every time between switching views - which if I forget that it does that and I'm connected to ground power - causes everything to shut down (in the PMDG NGX 737) so slewing doesn't help.  I'm a fan of everything you guys do (I have LAX, LAS, DFW, ORD, MEM, and GSX) but this issue makes Memphis unusable for me.  It's a shame because it's a beautiful airport.  If it's a known issue that cannot be resolved I believe there should be a note about it somewhere for people considering purchasing the airport so people are aware.

Before I purchase the rest of your airports, do any other airports have this same issue?  Appreciate the info.

My specs:
Prepar3d v3
i7 5870K 4.2 Ghz
GTX 1080
W10 64 bit

Active Sky 16
ORBX Gloabl, Open LC NA, Vector (I have run the vector auto configuration tool)

Note: Bounces only occur at KMEM and occurs 100% of the time.


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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2016, 11:57:30 am »
If I go to external view the airplane bounces every time between switching views

Here's a video showing the problem doesn't happen:

Before I purchase the rest of your airports, do any other airports have this same issue?

KMEM doesn't have this issue, and the other airport don't either, see all the video I posted here at KLAX and CYVR, in FSX and P3D too:,14407.msg106074.html#msg106074,14407.msg106189.html#msg106189

The only thing that seems common to those that reported it, is that you all use OrbX products, which is why I always ask to DISABLE (not just run the configuration tool ) them, to be sure they are really disabled.

Also, are you SURE you use the CURRENT version of the Addon Manager ?

It's normally downloaded automatically when you install anything from FSDT but, if it has been a while since you have installed something, you might not have the current version so, download and install the current Stand-Alone Addon Manager, to be sure everything is updated.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 12:56:32 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2016, 12:54:53 pm »

We are trying to find the issue, doing all the proper steps in troubleshooting, and I'm obviously offering advices and possible solutions, which might not be the SAME for all users.

As I've already told you, several times, the reason for me posting my videos, proving the problem doesn't happen, on a clean FSX and P3D installation, it's made to provide users with useful information: that the scenery, on itself, is NOT the cause of this, so it must be something else, which is a valuable information for an user wanting to start from somewhere.

As I've said, we only advertise our sceneries to be compatible with FSX, FSX:SE or P3D, that's the ONLY thing we can guarantee, regardless how much "popular" another 3rd party addon might be, it's simply not possible for us to verify compatibility with everything that's out there.

In order to allow users to verify if the sceneries are compatible with their installed addons, we have a TRIAL VERSION, so it's best to take advantage of it.

As long as you continue to post attacks, and insinuation about the supposed "subpar" quality of the products, which is not obviously true (something that I PROVED in video, several times, debunking your theories), your posts will always going to be deleted, because of your annoying attitude.


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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2016, 02:19:23 pm »
We had another look into this, and I can confirm the following:

- If your Addon Manager is outdated, meaning it's the version which was current when KMEM was originally released, the bounce WILL happen.

- We FIXED this in the June 15th release:

June 15th 2016

Fixed a problem when warping between different places at KMEM, with some sound emitters not being destroyed.
Fixed a problem of Avatar mode not being correctly detected in P3D 3.3.5
Fixed a problem that could result in airplane bouncing on ground when changing the viewpoint.

So, the only possible explanation, to everyone having this problem, is that you are still using the original Addon Manager file which was included in the original KMEM release, and you decided to skip all the subsequent update notification we published since then.

Note that, if you use the original KMEM installer, which *contains* the now outdated version, and your firewall/antivirus is blocking the *download* of the current one (all FSDT installers always download the most current Addon Manager when they run), that's another possible explanation why you are still stuck with the outdated version.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 02:41:06 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #26 on: October 13, 2016, 02:31:33 pm »
Umberto, why did you delete my last comment? I did not make any attacks. I posed simple questions that deserve simple answers.
Tony B.

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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #27 on: October 13, 2016, 02:40:14 pm »
I posed simple questions that deserve simple answers.

I already replied in my two previous posts about another possible cause of the problem.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 02:41:45 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2016, 02:56:23 pm »
The two previous posts you are referring to suggest that the possible cause might be Orbx products or an outdated version of the add-on manager. Well, allow me to tell you that's not the case. I did deactivate all Orbx add-ons when I performed my tests and I do have the latest version of the add-on manager. So, they can't be the cause. Now, will you answer my questions if I re-post them? As a paying customer I deserve answers to my questions. If not, then please refund all my money.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 03:18:46 pm by virtuali »
Tony B.

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Re: Major Bounce
« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2016, 03:18:58 pm »
I did deactivate all Orbx add-ons when I performed my tests and I do have the latest version of the add-on manager. So, they can't be the cause.

Since the only two possible causes are these ones, and I confirmed that, if you don't have the latest Addon Manager, the bounce WILL happen, no matter what, the most likely issue is that you THINK you have the latest Addon Manager, but you don't.

I already explained a possible reason why, even if you installed it now (so you are assuming you have installed it), you might still have the outdated version, because your antivirus/firewall might have blocked the download of the current one.

Now, will you answer my questions if I re-post them?

I already replied to all the questions, now please do what I've asked, and be absolutely sure you DO have the latest Addon Manager. The latest version which is online now is, but the version which FIXED the problem was, which was released June 15th.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 03:20:51 pm by virtuali »