Author Topic: KMEM Stuttering  (Read 65310 times)


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #105 on: February 23, 2017, 11:06:16 pm »
Im still getting a pasue every 5 seconds or so at KMEM

This kind of pause, indicate you are missing some objects of the scenery, which of course shouldn't happen, if you installed the latest version.

It is clearly a KMEM problem. My FPS are great though...easily 35+ all the time but the sim Pauses...its so annoying. How can we fix this?

There's no stuttering problem anymore with KMEM with P3D. Be sure you install the latest version, and be sure you select the P3D native objects from the KMEM menu.

Where abouts is the KMEM mean in the installer?


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #106 on: February 24, 2017, 11:00:56 pm »
?? I dont understand what menu youre talking about.


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #107 on: February 25, 2017, 03:57:21 am »
Are you talking about the YouControl menu...well if you are it has been selected to P3D, I have the latest everything. I have tried everything I can think of and nothing works. i dont have this problem with any other scenery.


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #108 on: February 26, 2017, 05:27:16 pm »
I'm sorry but, I can only repeat and confirm the problem doesn't happen if you have the current version of KMEM and the P3D native objects enabled.

But again, your description of the problem seemed to be a bit *different* than what has been discussed here. This thread was about minor random stuttering, and THIS is surely fixed in the current version, under P3D, using the P3D-native objects.

Your report, instead, seemed to indicate you have a pause at regular intervals, and this usually means you have missing objects which, again, cannot happen if you have the current version of the scenery.

I'm sorry, but I cannot reproduce the problem. Do you have many other addons installed which use Simconnect, like ActiveSky or another weather engine ? It's possible with too many commands sent together at the same time, the sim cannot keep it up with all of them, which result in pauses.


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #109 on: February 27, 2017, 03:59:49 pm »
I'm sorry but, I can only repeat and confirm the problem doesn't happen if you have the current version of KMEM and the P3D native objects enabled.

But again, your description of the problem seemed to be a bit *different* than what has been discussed here. This thread was about minor random stuttering, and THIS is surely fixed in the current version, under P3D, using the P3D-native objects.

Your report, instead, seemed to indicate you have a pause at regular intervals, and this usually means you have missing objects which, again, cannot happen if you have the current version of the scenery.

I'm sorry, but I cannot reproduce the problem. Do you have many other addons installed which use Simconnect, like ActiveSky or another weather engine ? It's possible with too many commands sent together at the same time, the sim cannot keep it up with all of them, which result in pauses.

People are having the same issue I am.

You need to look into this for us. I want to buy Kentucky and Douglas when they get released.



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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #110 on: March 01, 2017, 01:15:43 pm »
People are having the same issue I am

"People" ? You open the thread, and you post most of the messages there.

Another user, Regis9 said, on the same thread:

I had some pauses (it was a known issue) with the early versions of KMEM, but that has all been fixed by the last few updates.

Another user skwaL said, on the same thread:

Make sure that you guys get the latest updates for it. Mine did it before updates, right now runs just fine.

There are, in fact, TWO other users, who still say they have the pauses so, what you can see on that thread, is that 2 users said the update COMPLETELY fixed their pauses, and 2 other user saying it didn't.

One of them use FSX so, I'm afraid there's just nothing we can do that, because the update fixed the problem by using native P3D ground polygons, which removes the needs to do additional processing to prevent flickering and STILL being able to use FSX native materials at least.

So, your first question should be, why the pauses were entirely gone for those two ? It should be fairly obvious that, if the airport still had a problem, everyone would get pauses.

It might just too many addons running together and stressing Simconnect, which everybody needs to rely on in order to talk with the sim. Addons that put a great stress on Simconnect are, for example, weather engines, but even a complex airplane might do the same. So, a reason why you still have stuttering and several uses (both here an on Avsim) posted they don't have it anymore after the update, it might simply be your installation has simply too many addons for the sim to keep it up, while they are not running some of the more taxiing ones.

What the update did, using the P3D native ground polygons, was REDUCE the need to use Simconnect to connect to the sim and the frequency/quantity of commands issued, but still the scenery still needs to do some communication with it so, if you have other addons that are already taking up all the communication bandwidth, there's still not much time left for us to communicate with the sim, so we lag behind.

That's seems to be the most likely issue you might having, which explains why others don't have it.

But that might not be the only one. The sim Affinity Mask setting might have an impact on this, so the multithreaded execution of all process might not work a smoothly as it could be.

Try to remove the AffinityMask from the Prepar3D.CFG file altogether, and see if you have any difference.


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #111 on: March 07, 2017, 11:52:45 pm »

There's no stuttering problem anymore with KMEM with P3D. Be sure you install the latest version, and be sure you select the P3D native objects from the KMEM menu.

Where is this menu at? In the installer?


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #112 on: March 08, 2017, 10:16:59 am »
Where is this menu at? In the installer?

The YouControl menu that every FSDT scenery always had. The KMEM one has many options.


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #113 on: March 25, 2017, 09:04:13 pm »
How is this program running on FSX now.  I tried it a while ago and the stutters were bad so I uninstalled the demo.  How is it now since the updates?  Does the demo have all the updates?

Thanks Bill


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #114 on: March 27, 2017, 10:21:39 pm »
How is this program running on FSX now.  I tried it a while ago and the stutters were bad so I uninstalled the demo.  How is it now since the updates?  Does the demo have all the updates?

The demo is always updated to the very latest version. However, the improvements discussed in this update, which will most solve any stuttering, are only available in P3D, because we used native P3D objects.

In the next update, we'll have an option to turn off lots of objects, which MIGHT improve FSX, but the advantages offered by the native P3D objects will never be possible under FSX.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 11:44:56 pm by virtuali »


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #115 on: March 27, 2017, 10:44:23 pm »
Thank you for the reply.



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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #116 on: April 22, 2017, 03:11:21 pm »
I have downloaded the demo for the newest version and I still have stutters in P3d. Performance is great until the stuttering starts. Seems to happen just after take off and on short final the most. Any other tips to minimize stutters? I've changed pre rendered frames to 1 in Nvidia CP and verified its using p3d objects in the you control menu and turned off atc chatter but nothing seems to make a difference.


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #117 on: April 24, 2017, 11:58:01 am »
I have downloaded the demo for the newest version and I still have stutters in P3d. Performance is great until the stuttering starts. Seems to happen just after take off and on short final the most.

I cannot see any stutters in P3D but, if you still have them, the next update will let you turn off several dynamic objects categories from the KMEM menu, that should help in case your system is particularly loaded by other addons, especially those that makes lots of Simconnect calls (like weather engines).


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #118 on: April 24, 2017, 02:13:09 pm »
Ok thanks for the reply. I will revisit once the next update is out.