Products Support > Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D

HUD display ?? Not really but not sure how to explain it


Ok, just took a quick ILS flight from KLIT to KMEM in a default 737, everything worked great all the way in except for two things.

As I was on my final approach to 36L, it appeared that I had a transparent HUD display showing the runways and taxiways of KMEM (like an overhead view) out the windshield. It was faint but was there, once on the ground it disappeared. I didn't have time to grab a screen shot of it but will try again tomorrow to replicate it if needed and try to get a screen shot of it.

Once I landed and warpped to a gate with jetways, I was unable to get the jetway to deploy using the ctrl+j key.  Did I miss something?

Thanks, this airport is great, looks like I've got a new home base.


Found my issue with the jetways in another post on here. Got it now.

I'm guessing you're seeing this?,13554.0.html

Yep, that's it, I'll follow the other post that you linked to in hopes of getting it fixed soon. In the meantime, I'll just fly through them and keep on going.



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