Products Support > Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D

Strange texture wall @ KMEM

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I'm not sure what is going on but maybe someone can help me. Since installing KMEM I have seen some strange issues. Three times now my sim has crashed to the east of KMEM. The error was a G2D.dll error. I know this error is most likely not the fault of the scenery but when I turn off KMEM I don't have a problem. Something else I noticed is I get strange texture walls, again on the east side of the airport, see image. All of this is happening around the same area. When I run through the wall my plan shakes with audible sound like I hit a building but the plane still fly's. If I turn off FSDT KMEM I don't have any of these issues. I also don't have this issues with any other FSDT scenery. Again I've had this system running for 5 months now without a single problem with any other payware scenery, mesh or plane. Is there a way to turn off some of these new features and just have scenery like all the previous FSDT scenery?

I run
FSX + Accel
FSGlobal 2010

Your problem has already discussed several times, for example here:,13614.0.html

And it's caused by FTX Vector.


--- Quote from: virtuali on June 03, 2016, 10:53:14 pm ---Your problem has already discussed several times, for example here:,13614.0.html

And it's caused by FTX Vector.

--- End quote ---

I'm not running FTX Vector. I have the following:
FSGlobal 2010
Ultimate Terrain X - USA
SceneryTech North America

Is there another place to check?

Looks like I fixed the wall issue. Since I use FSGlobal 2010 I have to use AFM - Aerodrome Flattening Meshes.

Well I was able to solve this problem. I had my Mesh Resolution set to max. I turned it down to 5m and it fixed the problem. I was able to adjust it up and down and duplicate the problem.


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