Products Support > Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D

Jetways not moving **SOLVED**

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The jetways don't move when I select it through GSX. The wheels at the base turn as if lining up but thats it. The beacon is on but it doesn't move. Tried it at a few gates. It is the same at KIAH. Am I doing something wrong? GSX seems to be stuck in the boarding mode each time. Is there a way to get them to move other than with the GSX menu? CTRL J works at DFW but not at IAH or MEM.

Just to add to that..... At ORD when I try to board or deboard couatl crashes. Haven't tried any other airports. I downloaded and reinstalled all FSDT airports as well as GSX and the add on manager prior to this.


--- Quote from: irishcurse on June 03, 2016, 02:46:59 pm ---The jetways don't move when I select it through GSX. The wheels at the base turn as if lining up but thats it. The beacon is on but it doesn't move.
--- End quote ---

Doesn't happen here, and nobody else reported it. SODE jetways either don't move at all, or they work. I assume you have updated GSX using the latest FULL installer, have you ?

--- Quote ---GSX seems to be stuck in the boarding mode each time.
--- End quote ---

What do you mean with "stuck" ? You either see the jetway selection menu, or you don't, but boarding will continue in either way.

--- Quote ---Is there a way to get them to move other than with the GSX menu?
--- End quote ---

GSX ask SODE if a jetway ( considering your plane, the doors and your parking position ) can work. If SODE replies the jetway is ok, you'll see the selection menu in GSX, otherwise it won't make any difference: that jetway, on that plane, on that door, at that position, couldn't work even if you could call it from the SODE menu instead. Of course, GSX will give you a clear warning about this.

--- Quote --- CTRL J works at DFW but not at IAH or MEM.
--- End quote ---

That's exactly how it's supposed to be. Only KIAH and KMEM have SODE jetways, and SODE jetways work using the jetway selection menu during Boarding/Deboarding in GSX.

Scenery using the default FSX system will continue to work using CTRL+J

The GSX parking menu will tell you which parking have SODE jetways, appending a "/JS" to their name. If you see only a "/J" it means it's a default CTRL+J jetway. And if there's nothing ,it means there's no jetway there.

Yes I updated all my FSDT products.

Stuck meaning it wont allow any other GSX requests because its "loading pax" but it isn't

I see the jetway selection and choose it. The beacon on the jetway starts to flash and the wheels turn to align to move forward but it never moves.

I understand the CTRL J works on others I was just pointing out that function is working  ( at the other airports) so its not like the whole thing is messed up.

The request to load or unload pax is making GSX or couatl crash (at ORD. i will try non FSDT airports next and report back.). None of this was a issue until MEM was installed so something is wrong. I have tried updating all FSDT stuff including the add on manager and GSX. I have no other ideas what to check which is why I posted here.


--- Quote from: irishcurse on June 03, 2016, 05:58:33 pm ---Stuck meaning it wont allow any other GSX requests because its "loading pax" but it isn't
--- End quote ---

Check if you open the requested passenger doors.

--- Quote ---see the jetway selection and choose it. The beacon on the jetway starts to flash and the wheels turn to align to move forward but it never moves.
--- End quote ---

That seems to be a SODE issue. Do you have other sceneries using the old version ? Maybe is still installed ?

--- Quote ---I understand the CTRL J works on others I was just pointing out that function is working  ( at the other airports) so its not like the whole thing is messed up.
--- End quote ---

the default animation system and SODE don't have anything in common so, one working and the other not, doesn't tell much.

--- Quote ---The request to load or unload pax is making GSX or couatl crash (at ORD. i will try non FSDT airports next and report back.).
--- End quote ---

Check if you have a Couatl.err file in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali folder, and if yes, post its content ( ZIP the file and attach it to a message )


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