Author Topic: Some possible KMEM issues (flashing red lines, script error, no GSX menu Heli)  (Read 5223 times)


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    • Rob Ainscough
KMEM is fantastic, very very well done FSDT crew, set a new standard for airports and very impressive!  I'm uploading a quick tour video (will post later tonight), but thought I'd report a few issues I ran into along the way (P3D V3.2):

1.  Red flashing lines that seems to correspond to reflections and lights.
2.  When using a Helicopter I'm unable to bring up any GSX or SODE menu (works fine with all other aircraft type) ... could be by design, but this prevents me from opening the hanger doors when in a Heli (this may have nothing to do with KMEM and is just a GSX/SODE issue).
3.  I had my PMDG 777 inside the FedEx hanger, cycle the views (VC, Tower, Spot, Wing) about 2 times and then got a script error.

Video is unlisted and will eventually show up in 4K (give YouTube a few minutes or hour to process):

Cheers, Rob.


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
Interesting issue about the Helicopter, we really never tried GSX with an Helicopter before...we'll check it.

About script error, could you please try if it goes away with the attached file ? To be placed into P3D\fsdreamteam\Couatl\KMEM.


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I can confirm the inability to bring up GSX using a helicopter. Even when going to avatar mode from a heli, you cannot bring up the GSX avatar menu.  Kind of a bummer because it's nice to tour the airport in a heli, then land and "get out" to explore. Not a huge issue. That being said, I think this is the best airport you guys have done. The detail and clarity is sic. Nice job, guys.



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    • Rob Ainscough
Thanks Umberto, that new .pye seems to have solved issue #3.

Cheers, Rob