Products Support > Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D

No Airport in sight , Just beautiful fields **SOLVED**

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Installed once, Went to KMEM. Not a airport in sight. Just a couple runways and shadows on the ground. Uninstalled it, GSX, SODE, PHNL. rebooted. installed and once again NO KMEM.  Now on install number 8 or so. And still NO KMEM. I have disabled all ORBX stuff. No change. Addon manager also disappears when i go to KMEM. I have registered it. It says its active and installed. I have no Anti Virus at all.

Just big open field with nothing.


--- Quote from: ipg1939 on June 02, 2016, 06:26:57 am ---Addon manager also disappears when i go to KMEM. I have registered it. It says its active and installed. I have no Anti Virus at all.
--- End quote ---

It's not possible the Addon Manager would disappear in the middle of a session because, as a .DLL, if it crashed, it would crash the whole sim. Maybe you are referring to the Couatl program instead.

Do you have the Couatl menu ?

Well, as I've said, it's not possible the Addon Manager would disappear without crashing the sim. So, maybe it has simply being blocked by the antivirus, so it cannot "talk" with FSX to issue the command to create its own menu. And for the same reason, the scenery will not show.

Yes, you said you don't have any antivirus but, are you sure you don't have at least the default Windows Defender ?


--- Quote from: ipg1939 on June 02, 2016, 07:47:43 am ---And. It only disappears and causes issues to my addon menu if i go to KMEM. No other airports effect it.
--- End quote ---

Not even other FSDT or Flightbeam airports ?

I'm sorry, but I really cannot explain this. Nobody ever reported disappearing menus like that. We don't have any interaction with FSUIPC so, even if FSUIPC is not working, it seems you have another problem, and both our software *and* FSUIPC are equally affected.


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