Whenever I load KDFW in Prepar3d V3 I get the message The addon <unknown> is causing the Couati Scripting Engine to restart. Please download and install the latest Stand Alone Addon Manager. I did that and it still does not fix the problem. I just learned that the installers were updated today when I had a problem with KIAH so I downloaded KDFW and the Stand Alone Addon Manager, uninstalled and reinstalled KDFW and the Addon Manager but still have the problem.
Here are the error details:
couatl v3.1 (build 3467)
panic log started on Wed Jun 01 18:07:25 2016
problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "couatl\common\sceneryAddOnMulti.py", line 572, in onEnter
File "couatl\KDFW\__init__.py", line 255, in onPrepareArea
TypeError: patch_LODE() takes exactly 1 argument (3 given)
{'Airport': 'KDFW', 'User Pos': (32.87949988327602, -97.03000855581172, 186.836 m, 1.81141 m, 0.260163069882076)}
KDFW was working but when I noticed that everything was sinking slightly into the ground I tried a reinstall. I am aware now that the sinking objects are normal for this scenery but after the reinstall it stopped working. there were no other changes made on this computer. This is in Windows 10.