Author Topic: KMEM Texture issues  (Read 15819 times)


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KMEM Texture issues
« on: June 02, 2016, 04:29:50 am »
Great work Guys but have an issue - its in demo is this why when using time preview in P3D 3.3 - the textures are messed up for instance you go to night from dawn or dusk with time preview and the airport grass and runways are very bright - got out of sim reboot start at night looks great - also change time preview from night to dawn or dusk and the textures go crazy again the grass is all checkerboard bright green

Is this only because its in demo mode I am assuming this P3D 3.3 ready from what I'v hear - looking to purchase but wondering whats going on - thank you

Shaders have been cleared out - installed admin AV off and all that stuff so this is strange


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2016, 04:31:19 am »
Is this only because its in demo mode I am assuming this P3D 3.3 ready from what I'v hear - looking to purchase but wondering whats going on - thank you

No, that Demo version is 100% identical to the full version, except the duration. It's normal there will be a pause when switching from day to night and vice-versa, but the correct texture will eventually settle down and will correct.


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2016, 04:35:40 am »
Thank you figured that but it doesnt clear up just stays this way will post a picture in minute - thanks for the hard work - sure looks beautiful - hope to sort this out


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2016, 04:42:06 am »
Now again its fine if I start sim but if I change time preview if I touch that all bets are off only does this on KMEM - its the only payware I have loaded in P3D 3.3 - looks like a shader issue but new 3.3 install and only doing it here so dont think thats the issue - not what you wanted to hear but also to me doesnt make sense

« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 04:44:25 am by rsvette12 »


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2016, 04:46:32 am »
Now again its fine if I start sim but if I change time preview if I touch that all bets are off only does this on KMEM

Time Preview is not supported in the scenery, due to the very peculiar way it handles the transition between day/night (to save memory). However, if you confirm the time, it should work.


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2016, 04:52:01 am »
Thank you thought I was going crazy - thats to bad not a deal breaker but good to know - was going to see if it was because I was using a default aircraft as I saw this with another payware airport - not yours want to try that anyway as I like using time preview


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2016, 05:00:20 am »
Actually this is a deal breaker for me - hope you can change it in the future - to bad this was on my must haves from day one - thank you


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2016, 05:06:02 am »
Actually this is a deal breaker for me - hope you can change it in the future - to bad this was on my must haves from day one - thank you

There's no way to change or fix it. Not supporting Time Preview allows us to save A LOT of memory, since we load night textures only when needed, but in Time Preview, the simulation variables that controls night/day are not being updated.

But even if they were, so we could load/unload textures even in Time Preview, the loading time would still significant, so Time Preview won't be as smooth as it usually is.


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2016, 05:14:33 am »
Thank you for the explanation - never expected this as your other scenery's do not have this issue right so assuming all the goodies you have implemented now something has to suffer and I would assume this is your plan going forward which is not good


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2016, 05:16:33 am »
never expected this as your other scenery's do not have this issue

That's because none of them needs this special handling, because they are not as optimized as KMEM which, even if it contains MORE objects, takes less RAM than KLAX.


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2016, 05:17:18 am »
Did KMEM install simobject display ? as I just installed P3D 3.3 and want to be sure - thanks

I understand its brilliant fps are awesome but time preview is used constantly here and I would miss that
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 05:18:53 am by rsvette12 »


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2016, 06:13:35 pm »
Hey Gents,

Very odd Rich ... I'm in the process of making a video for KMEM and was using Time Preview frequently to get the sun just right :) ... I didn't run into any issues.  This is P3D V3.2.

Umberto, you have me puzzled when you say Time Preview is not supported?

I can post a video of it working at KMEM if you?

I do have a couple of issues at KMEM, but minor and nothing related to Time Preview.

Rich, have you tried deleting your shaders?  And have you disabled any 3rd party shader products you use (espeically those that work a different DXGI)?

Cheers, Rob.


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2016, 09:58:25 pm »
Umberto, you have me puzzled when you say Time Preview is not supported?

It's not *entirely* supported. It's not that you cannot use Time Preview but, if you move the time slider so it would require switching from day to dusk/dawn or night and back, the textures will not be updated.

But as long as you remain in Day time or Night time, it works normally.


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2016, 10:14:53 pm »
Umberto, you have me puzzled when you say Time Preview is not supported?

It's not *entirely* supported. It's not that you cannot use Time Preview but, if you move the time slider so it would require switching from day to dusk/dawn or night and back, the textures will not be updated.

But as long as you remain in Day time or Night time, it works normally.

I am really confused here as Umberto has stated you can not change from day to dawn or dusk or whatever actually - have no idea how you are doing this as Umberto says its impossible and would not matter what version of P3D you have also - thanks Rob cant wait to see this video


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Re: KMEM Texture issues
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2016, 10:19:52 pm »
I am really confused here as Umberto has stated you can not change from day to dawn or dusk or whatever actually

Well, not exactly. You CAN change, but the Preview won't display updated textures until you Apply the changes.

- have no idea how you are doing this as Umberto says its impossible and would not matter what version of P3D you have also - thanks Rob cant wait to see this video

Please re-read Rob's message more carefully: he said he usually use Time Preview to the right sun angle in order to make a nice screenshot. Which suggest he's probably moving the slider within Day time. This works 100%.

It's only the *switching* between day into night and vice-versa, that doesn't work. Not that it cause any issues: just the textures won't update as the would if you Apply the changes.