Products Support > Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D

KMEM Texture issues

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Great work Guys but have an issue - its in demo is this why when using time preview in P3D 3.3 - the textures are messed up for instance you go to night from dawn or dusk with time preview and the airport grass and runways are very bright - got out of sim reboot start at night looks great - also change time preview from night to dawn or dusk and the textures go crazy again the grass is all checkerboard bright green

Is this only because its in demo mode I am assuming this P3D 3.3 ready from what I'v hear - looking to purchase but wondering whats going on - thank you

Shaders have been cleared out - installed admin AV off and all that stuff so this is strange


--- Quote from: rsvette12 on June 02, 2016, 04:29:50 am ---Is this only because its in demo mode I am assuming this P3D 3.3 ready from what I'v hear - looking to purchase but wondering whats going on - thank you
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No, that Demo version is 100% identical to the full version, except the duration. It's normal there will be a pause when switching from day to night and vice-versa, but the correct texture will eventually settle down and will correct.

Thank you figured that but it doesnt clear up just stays this way will post a picture in minute - thanks for the hard work - sure looks beautiful - hope to sort this out

Now again its fine if I start sim but if I change time preview if I touch that all bets are off only does this on KMEM - its the only payware I have loaded in P3D 3.3 - looks like a shader issue but new 3.3 install and only doing it here so dont think thats the issue - not what you wanted to hear but also to me doesnt make sense


--- Quote from: rsvette12 on June 02, 2016, 04:42:06 am ---Now again its fine if I start sim but if I change time preview if I touch that all bets are off only does this on KMEM
--- End quote ---

Time Preview is not supported in the scenery, due to the very peculiar way it handles the transition between day/night (to save memory). However, if you confirm the time, it should work.


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