Products Support > Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D

Aircraft is under airport

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First off airport looks amazing. Spawning to different to different gates my aircraft is subsurface. Definately something on my end. Any thought comment suggestions  appreciated. Great work guys.

Surely some kind of 3rd party addon mesh, maybe a similar problem to this one:,13546.0.html

disable in orbx vector

I experienced the same problem upon loading this spectacular airport add-on. I made sure that 1) no other KMEM AFCAD was loading (i.e. BluePrint), 2) since I have MyTraffic 6 installed, I disabled its own KMEM AFCAD (the file to disable is BR2_KMEM.BGL and is located in \MyTraffic Professional\MyTraffic\Scenery), and 3) what devgrp said...disable it in ORBX Vector, if installed (in my case, I had already disabled it but still had the problem until disabling the MyTraffic AFCAD).

All's good now and it looks fantastic.

Will do thanks again...Global and vector are the only things I have installed.


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