Products Support > Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D

FSX Crashes Upon Loading After KMEM Install??

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Same is happening for me. Installed the product, Ran it for the first time then got a CTD. Wasn't even in the sim for 10 seconds. Attempted to re-start, CTD on FSX startup. Re-install the product and re-install the Addon Manager, sim starts up but, sim CTD's once it's loaded. I also tried to let FSX rebuild my fsx.cfg, that didn't help either.

I Uninstall KMEM, everything is working normally. Can't seem to run the scenery at all. Very odd.



Unfortunately same is happening for me. I don't run any antivirus either, so I know it's not a file being blocked.

I am now getting CTD's at other Flightbeam\FSdreamteam Airports. Is it something to do with the latest Addon Manager? Everything was working fine until I updated it.


On P3Dv3 and am also getting a CTD. Loaded up the AS Airbus and took off and then it happened. Unfortunately the error code was a "stackhash" so my limited understanding of things indicates that it could be anything.

I've been CTD-free for as long as I can remember. Have not tried other FB/FSDT airports (I own a bunch but just did a fresh install of the sim and have not loaded much at this point)...

I cannot reproduce any crash, but I the -25008 error code has been already fixed, as explained here:,13552.msg100431.html#msg100431


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