Author Topic: Problems again with KFLL  (Read 16410 times)


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Problems again with KFLL
« on: October 05, 2014, 11:43:24 pm »
Buildings have disappear again for no reason.

I have no anti virus, have uninstall and re-install again with no antivirus.
I received first a warning esellerate error 25007 hardware mismatch, I have NOT change any hardware in the past 3 years.
Then I receive a BGLmanx.dll error and FSX will not start.
I downloaded another version of the file (an old one) and now FSX starts but I got again the hardware mismatch error. ( I know the V++ etc) it was working just fine)
When it goes to verify my installation FSX crashed and exit.
at one point the Coualt engine said after I register again the serial # that it was active but not in the scenery list when in fact it was, right on the first line.

Don't know what else to do...

I got only one firewall
the files are included in my Unhackme software...
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 11:45:23 pm by chemanuel »


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Re: Problems again with KFLL
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2014, 10:26:29 am »
Never, EVER, use an old version, you might cause a mis-match of files, and this is the primary cause of that error.

The 25007 message has been discussed many times, and if you are sure you haven't changed your hardware, it's usually a result of a bug in one of your drivers, that mistakenly report a different hardware id to Windows, which in turn reports a different hardware id to Esellerate. It's not usually a problem, you only need to confirm your activation, and it usually doesn't consume one of your activations.

Do you use other software that use Esellerate ?

If you got a crash as soon as you confirmed the activation, it's POSSIBLE another software you installed has installed an older version of the Esellerate library, which cause a conflict. Software known to do this is Wideview, which installs the old version of the Esellerate library into your system, instead of the correct one we use.


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Re: Problems again with KFLL
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2014, 09:31:10 pm »
I don't use Wideview.
I haven't upgraded any drivers, not even the Nvidia ones.
The only 2 products I use with the addon are KFLL and the 757 from quality wings. None of the two works.
I installed the old version after multiple uninstall and re-installs after searching the forum and finding it was a solution for somebody else.
 I HAVE confirm my activation as I mentioned in my previous comments...
it tells me the product is active but not in the scenery list which it was BUT this was in the 25007 error, after that I get the bglmanx error which crashed the sim.
I re-install the 757 which in turns downloaded the current bglmanx.dll file.

The re-installation goes fine since it automatically knows the serial number.

But nothing works... both products are dead!...

If the esellerate is getting incorrect info, Would a new full installation re-inserting the serial number take care of this without a new windows installation?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 09:35:10 pm by chemanuel »


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Re: Problems again with KFLL
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2014, 09:46:36 pm »
I don't use Wideview.
I haven't upgraded any drivers, not even the Nvidia ones.

These two are entirely separate issues.

Problems caused by wrong Esellerate libraries installed by Wideview would probably cause crashes, but issues with drivers won't, they might just cause a bogus new hardware detection message, requiring to confirm the activation, but they would NOT cause a crash.

Regardless if you updated drivers or not, this doesn't necessarily mean that one of your drivers STARTED to report a new hardware id to Windows, because it was affected by something else, even simply a bug of the driver.

But again, in the worse case, you'll have to confirm your activation, and that's it, it would NOT crash.

I installed the old version after multiple uninstall and re-installs after searching the forum and finding it was a solution for somebody else.

You must have confused the solution with another problem because, nobody ever reported THIS kind of crash (after the activation confirmation). ALL crashes reported on the forum, which can be (mistakenly, because the real solution is another one) "fixed" by using an old version, were all related to a problem of a crash at start, or FSX not even starting.

You are reporting something that NOBODY, ever reported before. Usually, and always because of OTHER programs interfering, like antivirus, or missing system libraries, the Addon Manager won't start, or it would crash at start.

Instead, if I understand correctly, it seems it works normally, UNTIL you try to confirm the Serial Number for the activation which, as I've said, never happened and nobody ever reported it before.

I can only guess problems with your registry (like permission problems on the registry keys or registry keys corrupted/missing), but it's obviously impossible to know, without any other previous case. The only thing it's sure, it's something very specific to your installation, that will surely go away with a Windows reinstall.

If it's ok for you, we might try the remote assistance route, using Teamviewer, as explained here:,10489.0.html
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 09:54:48 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Problems again with KFLL
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2014, 10:07:40 pm »
Also I forgot to mention, with both products uninstalled, and ONLY the stand alone addon manager it will give also the same bglmanx.dll error.
FSX will crash if I run the dll file, I have to by-passed it. Once I answer no, FSX will start normally and all other planes and sceneries work fine.
Also to clarify, I have not receive again the error 25007. I only receive now the bglmanx error.


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Re: Problems again with KFLL
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2014, 10:24:08 pm »
Now you are saying something different, that you are getting that error at the FSX start.

Before, you said you had the 25007 warning, but, if you saw that error, is not possible that bglmanx.dll would crash at start because if it did, you wouldn't have a chance to go as far as seeing that warning.

So, it seems you are not running under the same conditions. No, scenery installation doesn't have anything to do with this. You would have seen (or not) the 25007 error regardless if the scenery was installed or not.

The only possible explanation of the *different* behavior, is that you were using DIFFERENT versions of the .DLL, messing up something when trying to fix by using older version, which will never, ever, work, as I've already said.

And, you haven't replied to my last request:

If it's ok for you, we might try the remote assistance route, using Teamviewer, as explained here:,10489.0.html


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Re: Problems again with KFLL
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2014, 12:28:41 am »
Ok let me clarify in my first post...

1. I got the 25007 error....
2. uninstall and re-install...  same
3. installed the old bglmanx...  the 25007 error was gone and FSX started and I saw what I previosly explained, I started then seeing the bglmanx error.
4. I re-installed nothing works in both products.
5. keep seeing the same error, FSX crashes if I don't bypass this.

Everything else works perfectly in my PC including all other aircrafts and sceneries.

For know until I have time for the teamviewer... I'll just stay away from any product having the addon manager or this bglmanx file.


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Re: Problems again with KFLL
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2014, 10:23:07 am »
Ok let me clarify in my first post...

1. I got the 25007 error....
2. uninstall and re-install...  same

That's not very clear, if with "25007 error", you mean the request to confirm, that's NOT an error, you simply had to confirm your activation.

If, instead, you mean you got an FSX crash FOLLOWING your confirmation AFTER you saw the 25007 alert, that's an entirely different issue that, as I've said, nobody ever reported before, and it can only be cause either by a wrong Esellerate put in place by another product OR by a never seen before registry corruption or serious issue with your system.

3. installed the old bglmanx...  the 25007 error was gone and FSX started and I saw what I previosly explained, I started then seeing the bglmanx error.

If with the "old bglmanx", you mean an old bglmanx.dll file, it's entirely NORMAL you would CAUSE a crash by doing this because, as I've said, you cannot mix a .DLL from the old version, with other files from a different version.

4. I re-installed nothing works in both products.
5. keep seeing the same error, FSX crashes if I don't bypass this.

You said you have a firewall, if it's not properly configured, or it's so bugged that is still blocking the download (and an antivirus or an anti-spyware could cause this), it WILL cause a version mis-matching.

Try to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL the CURRENT version of the Addon Manager for FSX. This way, since the installer contains internally the same version that is supposed to be downloaded online, it's not affected by downloading interferences while installing.

Everything else works perfectly in my PC including all other aircrafts and sceneries.

This doesn't mean anything. If the problem is caused by a bugged security program, it might affect just one module.

For know until I have time for the teamviewer... I'll just stay away from any product having the addon manager or this bglmanx file.

The teamviewer



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Re: Problems again with KFLL
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2014, 10:41:53 pm »
That's not very clear, if with "25007 error", you mean the request to confirm, that's NOT an error, you simply had to confirm your activation.

Umberto, this was not a request, out of the blue I was informed of a hardware mismatch and that is was going to verify my activation and at that point boom, FSX shuts down.  It didn,t gave me a choice for me to activate or insert a serial number since the machine knows it already.
As I explained after several un-installations and re-installations I got the same error or request with the same FSX shut down result.

If with the "old bglmanx", you mean an old bglmanx.dll file, it's entirely NORMAL you would CAUSE a crash by doing this because, as I've said, you cannot mix a .DLL from the old version, with other files from a different version.

I didn't cause a crash with the old bglmanx file, it was the only way the machine would start and I saw the addon manager, but the scenery was not working even though it says it was actibe, but the was no buildings.

Try to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL the CURRENT version of the Addon Manager for FSX. This way, since the installer contains internally the same version that is supposed to be downloaded online, it's not affected by downloading interferences while installing.

I did that!, it give me the same bglmanx.dll error, just the addon without the scenery, without the 757 of qualitywings.

You said you have a firewall, if it's not properly configured, or it's so bugged that is still blocking the download (and an antivirus or an anti-spyware could cause this), it WILL cause a version mis-matching.

My firewall is properly configure ( I'm an A+ PC tech myself), the downloads are working fie, no file is being block. I don't have an antivirus program as I have express before. I remove it with this issue.

Therefore I don't have a bugged security program. When the scenery was working fine I had 2 antivirus programs and a firewall plus the UNhackme program. Everything downloaded perfectly and work fine... not even the files were in the ignore list and they downloaded perfectly, installed and work fine both of the programs. now not even the standalone addon manager works with the same bglmanx error.



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Re: Problems again with KFLL
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2014, 11:35:38 pm »
Umberto, this was not a request, out of the blue I was informed of a hardware mismatch and that is was going to verify my activation and at that point boom, FSX shuts down.

Of course it's a request. I mean, a request FROM the program, not from you.

It didn,t gave me a choice for me to activate or insert a serial number since the machine knows it already.

Obviously yes, and that's how is supposed to work. But it shouldn't crash ( and it never does, at least nobody ever reported a crash in THAT moment )

I didn't cause a crash with the old bglmanx file, it was the only way the machine would start and I saw the addon manager, but the scenery was not working even though it says it was actibe, but the was no buildings.

Normal too, because (depending how old the Addon Manager was) the current scenery might not work with it.

You said you have a firewall, if it's not properly configured, or it's so bugged that is still blocking the download (and an antivirus or an anti-spyware could cause this), it WILL cause a version mis-matching.

My firewall is properly configure ( I'm an A+ PC tech myself), the downloads are working fie, no file is being block. I don't have an antivirus program as I have express before. I remove it with this issue.

Your firewall might be mis-configured even if you have configured it correctly, it might just be bugged. Same for the antivirus. I assure you we have reports from users that PROPERLY configured their antivirus correctly, but the antivirus was STILL blocking our module, and the only way to fix it was to stop its background service from the Windows Admin Tools panel. That was an antivirus bug, of course, not user's fault.

I'm NOT saying this is YOUR case, just pointing out that it's possible, and it HAS happened.

Therefore I don't have a bugged security program. When the scenery was working fine I had 2 antivirus programs and a firewall plus the UNhackme program. Everything downloaded perfectly and work fine... not even the files were in the ignore list and they downloaded perfectly, installed and work fine both of the programs. now not even the standalone addon manager works with the same bglmanx error.

Then we are exhausting the options, there's still a chance for permission problems in your registry, something that simply shouldn't happen normally. For example, the Esellerate library might cause a crash because, when it tries to write your activation in the registry, something there blocks the access.

Nobody ever reported this before, and as you can clearly see, nobody is reporting THIS (crash while confirming the activation after a 25007 message) now, so it's clearly not a problem of the Addon Manager, but a problem in your system that is affecting it.

A test, so you don't have to reinstall Windows: do you have ANOTHER PC ( such a notebook ), where you can try FSX + the scenery there, using the current version of everything ? That would be just a TEST, just to prove you the program is fine, at least you would be *sure* your main PC has a problem.

Don't worry about consuming activations: I told you to do this, so you can have all the activations you need for testing.


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Re: Problems again with KFLL
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2016, 05:57:26 pm »
After not been able to use this scenery for over a year, I decided to attack the problem again. As I stated over a year ago, the esellerrate module needs to know when I am reinstalling the software and forget about having my serial already in the registry.
The fix was super easy, delete EVERYTHING that has to do with the essellerrate module, deleted the module and clean the registry from all instances of this module.

re-install the scenery, EVERYTHING is working perfect!