FS9 support > Los Angeles support FS9

Program to edit AFCAD with


Hello, is there a proper program to edit the AFCAD that comes with this scenery so that we can have proper gate assignments and so that the default terminal does not bleed through?

I have used ADE but after compiling, the default terminal bleeds through.

Any ideas or hints?

Love this scenery, just want proper gate assignments! :)

There's no reason why ADE wouldn't work. Check that exclusions areas are being used correctly and are not changed when saving the file back.

Hi Umberto, can you please elaborate on what exclusion areas mean?



--- Quote from: Danthepilot on May 17, 2016, 11:46:15 pm ---Hi Umberto, can you please elaborate on what exclusion areas mean?
--- End quote ---

This is not really the place to discuss scenery design. A problem with them will always result in default objects appearing in a scenery. It's strange that using ADE would cause problems, because I'm sure ADE supports exclusion areas and should correctly write back the one we included in the AFCAD when saved back.

However, since you say you use FS9, there might be differences in how ADE works in FS9 mode, but I'm afraid I cannot be of much help, and nobody at FSDT has FS9 installed anymore, since we stop supporting it in 2011. That's 5 years ago...


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