Author Topic: Carrier Holdback Bar Problem  (Read 2095 times)


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Carrier Holdback Bar Problem
« on: March 30, 2016, 09:03:34 am »
Hi all!
I have, up until now, been using the default carrier in AICarriers menu, and it works great. No frills, but I don't necessarily need/want eye-candy, I want a boat to fly on and off of. I have no trouble with it at all.
Having said all that I finally got a good look a Javier's carrier, the Nimitz. Great looking boat, love the lighting at night in particular, although sometimes all the planes on both sides of the landing area can cause small crash problems. For me :)
Anyway, I really like flying onto it at night. I have a problem when it comes to launching, however. I get lined up, launch bar down, hit SHFT+I and it locks me into the shuttle properly. Then I start running the throttle up, and about 92 or 93%, the Hold-back fails and I start moving. Usually, if I hit full throttle right away, I can get enough airspeed up by the time I fall off the deck that I can fly out of it without taking a bath, if I am quick on the gear. It's a lot like taking a "soft-stroke".
Is there a setting, in the FSX.CFG file that changes the strength of the hold-back? Or in the ship's aircraft.cfg? Or something? Or will I have to stop on the throttle at like say 90% and hit full on the way down the track after the stroke starts?

Any help will be greatly appreciated, and a large "Thank You" in advance.