Author Topic: ATC Call "DFW" instead of "Dallas Fort-Worth"  (Read 32563 times)


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ATC Call "DFW" instead of "Dallas Fort-Worth"
« on: February 11, 2016, 05:46:11 pm »
Hello, I am not certain if this is accurate and my few (combined) hours of listening in on KDFW's various frequencies through LiveATC has not provided an answer. Whilst at DFW FS9's ATC identifies it as "DFW," even when I created both EditVoicepack files for the KDFW and DFW identifiers, both as "Dallas Fort-Worth". Eventhough I saved and recompiled the new voicepack ATC is not recognizing those files (yes, the newly compiled "Evp_Accelerated" is located in the fs9\sound directory).
Realworld ATC has not identified themselves as anything. I do not know that area in realworld aviation, and do know some airports do not know always ident who they are.
I checked the airport properties of FSDT "ap_kdfw" using the classic AFCAD program, which tells me the airport ID is KDFW. So I do not know from where "DFW" comes.
Does anyone know why FS9 might not be picking up the files I created?
Any suggestions?
Thank you, in advance,
don lively


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Re: ATC Call "DFW" instead of "Dallas Fort-Worth"
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2016, 09:08:58 pm »
Hi, if you open the AFCAD (I use Flight1 AFX) you have the possibility to view the comm frequencies used. Indeed there are a lot of frequencies with DFW. So after changing them in EditVoicePack, you will need to update the AFCAD as well.