Author Topic: Small AICarrirs.NET Heading Question  (Read 3059 times)


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Small AICarrirs.NET Heading Question
« on: January 16, 2016, 09:06:10 pm »
About 30-40% of the time I go to load a carrier in FSX-SE with AICarriers.NET, the boat loads in with a 9° Port heading difference than the plane. I get set up at about 800' MSL over the ocean, wide open, nothing ahead of me, the entire Pacific Ocean in front of me. I select Lone Carrier, 10nmi Ahead of Plane, and then Forward. When I check the boat's heading with the HUD Switch Panel, 47X (111.00) dialed into he Nav radio, it shows the boat's heading to be about 9° to port of my plane's heading.
The rest of the time I load the carrier in, it's heading matches that of my aircraft. All other things are equal every time.
Is there any reason for this, or fix I could install? I haven't tried shutting AICarriers.NET off then starting again, yet. I let the EXE.XML file start it automaticaly when FSX starts.
ANY help would be appreciated. It's not a critical failure/error, just annoying, is all, to expect the boat going one way and it's not. I can obviously fix it with a turn to starboard, I'm just lazy  :D
Thanks in advance!


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Re: Small AICarrirs.NET Heading Question
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2016, 06:20:31 am »
Are you saying that this happens 30-40% of the time when you use AI Carriers .NET regardless of settings, or 30-40% of the time when you specifically ask for a boat 10 nm ahead?  Also, are you saying that the course you need to fly to get to the boat is about -9° off from your present heading?  Or are you saying that the boat is directly ahead on your plane, but the boat's heading is about -9° off of your present heading?

Regardless, I just had a look through the code and it looks like the carrier should be initialized on the same true heading as the user aircraft.  Does the same thing happen with Lamont Clark (lc0277)'s original Java based AICarriers2r2 (you can get a copy here if you don't have it:

Maybe you're in an area with a 9°E magnetic variation and one of your readings is magnetic and another is true (or vice versa)?


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Re: Small AICarrirs.NET Heading Question
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2016, 07:20:03 am »
1) 30-40% of the time I use AICarriers.NET to load a carrier. I am ashamed to say I only tried it with the 10 nmi Ahead. I will try it with other settings.
2) The boat is directly ahead, with it's BRC approximately -9° off my plane's heading. As displayed on the HUD Switch Panel NAV1 display, which auyomatically sets when landing on a carrier, providing the correct frequency is in. Which it is. I am pretty sure the HUD compas at the top of the display, and the NAV1 window are both True North, not Mag. I may well be wrong, however.
No, the magnetic variation is more than -9°, and I am normally off either San Francisco, or Sand Diego (I've been there often, and I use SAND advisedly!), occaisionally outside Pueget Sound. The MagVar on the coast is about the same, all the way up and down the coast. About 14° east at KNUQ (Moffet Federal), as a relatively central location. Roughly. Give or take. Approximately. You get it, I think  :D
I normally use a heading of 250-270° on my plane. And almost invariably right on a multiple of 10 exactly. 240°, 250°, and so on. Makes it easier on my poor pea brain to get the backcourse quickly and easily.
3) No, I haven't tested it with AICarriers2r2.exe, but I will if you think I should. The .NET version loads my old laptop less, so I've used it almost exclusively since I started using FSX-SE.

Thank you for the quick response, and I always THOUGHT the ship(s) was/were supposed to load with the plane's heading as their BRC. I don't know if the answers help you or not, but there they are.
Like I say, it's an annoyance, not a critical bug in the program. Besides, it's easy enough to fix with a turn to Starboard from the menu. Or a brief bank-n-pull, so to speak.  8)
Have fun, and this is a VERY low priority thing.