Author Topic: Push backs for the big planes  (Read 3010 times)


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Push backs for the big planes
« on: January 14, 2016, 02:26:46 am »
Hello guys, I really like GSX, one of the best addons for FSX, now I have a question, I been flying the big birds like 777, MD-11, 747 etc and I noticed that I get a small push back vehicle for this big planes, is not a big deal but I would like to know if there is a possibility to fix this and make it maybe more real, not sure if the program assigns the push back depending of the aircraft or is random, again no big deal but would like to know. Thanks.


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Re: Push backs for the big planes
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2016, 03:41:54 pm »
I would like to know if there is a possibility to fix this and make it maybe more real, not sure if the program assigns the push back depending of the aircraft or is random

GSX doesn't select the pushback entirely at random, but every pushback vehicle has weight restrictions so, it selects at random, but only amongst the vehicles that match the plane.

The small pushback vehicle, as you can see from his SIM.CFG file, has a maximum airplane weight limitation of 175.000 lbs so, it will never appear if the plane is heavier than that. So, unless your planes are unrealistically light ( but I think even an empty 777 is heavier than that ), what you are describing simply cannot happen, and you should see the larger pushback trucks.

However, note there's another constrain, on the parking size, and the small pushback will be used if your parking has a radius smaller than 18.0 mt. Such a parking surely cannot realistically fit an heavy airplane so, unless you forced GSX to use such planes into a small parking, this should normally happening.


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Re: Push backs for the big planes
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2016, 06:02:44 pm »
Ok maybe is the parking since I havent made any changes to GSX, this happened using the PMDG777 and I havent change anything on it as well. Thanks.