I can not find this standalone on the website software. Can you please give me the link to it?
There are download links to it on each and every "Info" page of every product, on the left side of the page.
Since this thread is about Zurich, there's a "
Stand-Alone Addon Manager" download link on the left side of the Zurich page:
http://www.fsdreamteam.com/products_zurichx.htmlAnd which way do I have to follow to get this done? First GSX and airports to install? Or start with this addon manager and afterwards GSX and airports?
I only said:
"reinstall the Stand-Alone Addon manager now"
I haven't said anything about GSX, the airports or any special order of installation. If there was a special installation order, or any further operations to do, I would have clearly said so.
Instead, I only said "reinstall the Stand-Alone Addon manager now" so, just do that.
OF COURSE, if you ALSO uninstalled other FSDT products in the meantime, you must reinstall them. The installation order doesn't matter. If it did, I would clearly said so.
In fact, if you need to reinstall any FSDT product, because you uninstalled them because of this problem, the Stand-Alone Addon Manager reinstall step shouldn't be needed.