1. I can watch AI aircraft land on runways 24 and 25 day and night but when I fly from the east it always sends me to runway 7R ( day or night) and I fly into on coming traffic. When I try for an alternate runway, I get 7L, or 6R or L only.
This doesn't have anything to do with the scenery, which has all the runway correctly defined as they are, but it's something the default ATC controls on its own, using a formula based on several factors having different weights, such as the wind direction, the runway length, if the runway has an ils, etc.
2. I leave the gate, taxi to a runway, I get "Position and hold" but never allowed to take off. Other AI craft come up behind me and are told to wait because I'm on the runway and then after a minute or two, they are cleared to take off even though I'm there.
This is also something that we cannot control. If you are not in the correct position, AI won't wait for you forever.
If IO take off, I get a "not cleared for take off" message. After 10 mins of waiting I give up. Is there a certain spot to hit to get the ok to take off option? I re-downloaded and re-installed KLAX even though it was only a few months old.
You must be on the hold short zone. It's *possible* that some of the hold short zones at KLAX, which of course are in the CORRECT, real world position, might be a bit too far for FSX to consider them valid. As explained other times on the forum about this issue, we are faced with the following dilemma:
1) Making the scenery ground indications and accurate to the real world, but placing hold short zones in the AFAD in the "wrong" position, that will make the default ATC happy. This will of course confuse users a lot, because they would have to know to stop in a place that doesn't match the ground signs.
2) Altering the visual scenery to match what the default ATC would consider ok, which will solve your problem, but would result in an unrealistic scenery, and everybody checking it against a real map would flag as "inaccurate"
3) Ignoring the default ATC (many users just do that, because they either fly online or use 3rd party ATC products), and make the scenery visually ACCURATE to real world and the AFCAD coherent with it, risking that some hold short positions will not be recognized, causing the problem you reported.
NONE of the 3 above solution is entirely satisfactory, so we simply decided to go for #3.