Author Topic: Using data off Geoname server  (Read 8917 times)


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Using data off Geoname server
« on: November 23, 2008, 10:30:36 pm »

I am considering purchasing the XPOI application. My only concern is the reliability of the Geoname server.
I've noticed that going here you can download the POI files.

Is there capability already for running XPOI offline? If not would you consider adding it?



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Re: Using data off Geoname server
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2008, 04:18:59 am »
We are considering having the database available in off-line mode, but this will probably void one of the most apparent benefit of XPOI: the availability of a constantly updated database, without having to mantain the updates yourself.

To give you an idea of the update speed, this are the recent changes:

And, by "recent", I mean in the last couple of HOURS.

So, I don't know how many users would like to download the database as frequently as needed to keep it reasonably update with Geonames.

Of course, if we started to notice a significant increase of the frequency of downtimes on the Geonames server, we'll take into serious consideration the option of adding an offline mode with a local database but, as long as it runs reasonably well, we'll like the idea of having it constantly updated, because this means better quality data.

One thing it's sure: in case the Geonames server would eventually cease, we WILL implement an offline database: there's now way we'll left users that bought XPOI without any chance to use it.

The next release, that will be out very soon, hopefully this week, will already introduce some offline capabilities, by adding FSX Navaids and Intersections to be displayed as POIs


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Re: Using data off Geoname server
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2008, 05:26:26 pm »
Maybe in a future version you could add an option for those who would want to run from the downloaded POI database offline (like myself) and also give the option to run from the server. I prefer to run offline and not too fussed about constant updates.


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Re: Using data off Geoname server
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2012, 10:50:10 pm »
Hi All,

I know this post is quite old.  I am new here and am going to try the demo version of XPOI.  It looks great.  I used to use EZ-Landmark when I was using FS9.  I have just updated to FSX.  I think being able to use XPOI offline are for a few good reasons:

1) Bandwith/Caps.  My ISP, and many others, have a mothly cap that is imposed on us.  If we upload/download over our allotted mothly cap we get charged extra.  Being able to use XPOI offline would really help here.

2) I use FSX on a laptop.  When I go places sometimes there is no internet connection.  If I wanted to use XPOI I would not be able to.

3) Other people in my household use the internet at the same time.  Using XPOI would slow things down for others.  Also consider in the world of internet tv, youtube, movie streaming, this would interfere with it.  It XPOI was slowing down my wifes movies I might get a slap alongside my head.

4) An option in XPOI could be to use it ON or OFFLINE.  Secondly, another option to UPDATE DATABASE to contact the server and update it(so it will be current for offline usage).  It really does not matter to me if XPOI is a few days or weeks old data.

Anyways, thanks for reading and if there ever is a chance to implement this it would be very nice.  I don't think too many more, if any, updates are in the work for XPOI.

Good luck all........
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 12:07:01 am by virtuali »