Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

Strange Missing Letters with P3DV3 **SOLVED**


Hi guys, I've a strange problem that happened with P3DV2.0(initial release) and now with v3.0. All my labels have 1 missing letter, I thought it might be a particular letter but it seems random. I am using W7.

Any help would be great,



With it being  nearly 2 weeks I would have hoped I would have a little support on this from the developer.

Any Takers,



--- Quote from: diddy64 on October 25, 2015, 07:55:02 pm ---With it being  nearly 2 weeks I would have hoped I would have a little support on this from the developer.
--- End quote ---

Sorry, I must have missed your message. I guess it's possible, after replying to 20269 message (check my post count...), to miss one...

In any case, are you the same user that posted this ?,8576.msg79246.html#msg79246

--- Quote ---Sir, you are a star. Perfect. This and GSX makes my flying experience. Thank you.
--- End quote ---

In any case, I think to have found what the problem is: the XPOI installer patched the objects on installing if P3D was version version 2, so it had to be updated to patch if it's version 2 or HIGHER.

The updated installer is online now.

Good Morning sir, thank you for your assistance. Works perfect again. Apologies for being impatient, it felt like I was at school again trying to find the missing letters in a puzzle. Much obliged.



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