Spaz, no doubt that red ball would have the LSO looking sideways at me. But, I didn't mean I received a "No Grade" for the pass. The vLSO just never registered the pass. Granted, I had the deck moving at 1.6 degrees on the Pitching Deck program. A little trigonometry with a ship that's roughly 1000 feet long, and that translates to about 30 feet of deck movement. That darn deck just had to be all the way down as I got to the ramp, so you better believe I spotted that thing and came way back on the power to end up in the wires. The Trap gauge actually showed me grabbing the 3 wire. But... not the best way to do it. LOL
As for my equipment, here' are my specs.
iBuyPower custom built gaming rig
16 x Intel i7-5960X cores @ 3.0GHz
32 GB Ram
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Orion, The FSXBA jet is probably the best overall handling aircraft I've flown in FSX, or any sim for that matter. Getting aboard with it is about as easy as it's going to get. I just always tend to be about 1-3 knots slow on approach. But, Jimi just informed me I'm flying an old version that still has a few bugs. Gonna upgrade before my next flight.