Good Afternoon
I just migrated and installed all my FSDT and FB scenaries into Prepar3dv3. I have no problems loading up at any of these airports, works fine.
It is when I am on approach that i get the following error:
The addon <unknown> is causing the Couatl Scripting Engine to restart. Please download and install the latest Stand Alone Manager from the website. Do you want to open log to see error details.
Here is the log:
couatl v3.0 (build 3187)
panic log started on Wed Oct 14 11:37:53 2015
problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "couatl\common\", line 138, in onEnter
File "couatl\common\", line 208, in onEnterArea
File "couatl\common\", line 161, in refreshDynamicObjects
File "couatl\common\", line 43, in refresh
File "couatl\common\", line 128, in refreshObjects
File "couatl\CYVR\", line 269, in seasonChange
File "couatl\CYVR\", line 250, in patchSeason
RuntimeError: CreateFile failed: The system cannot find the file specified: "C:\ProgramData\virtuali/FSDT_CYVR/CYVR_sf01.mdl"
{'User Pos': (49.17590912111787, -122.94935701735496, 841.854 m, 840.473 m, 286.4203425921407)}
After i get another pop up that says
Do you want to restart Couatl?
I restart it and then the same process outline above happens over and over again.
I have reinstalled the stand alone manager with no resolution.
Any advice? Thanks so much!