I am a very happy FSDT customer, but I recently started to encounter a small annoyance.
Every time I start FSX (SP2) and load the sim, the following pop-up is shown:
http://puu.sh/kvU1n/d79cdeb490.pngI tried the suggestion several times since the pop-up first appeared (sorry, do not know when exactly), but no avail.
What I tried so far:
- Tried the standalone addon manager install several times
- Tried the full installer of JFKv2
- Tried the full GSX (latest version, post-Couatlv3 reinstall) installer
All FSDT I own work perfectly (GSX, JFK, KLAX, Geneva), but the pop-up is a bit annoying on every flight.
Do you have any suggestions that could resolve this?
Thank you in advance