Reinstalling the Standalone Addon Manager (version downloaded from Fsdreamteam website) seems to help somehow
The Stand-Alone Addon Manager doesn't have ANY interaction with ANY of the audio in your PC so no, it's impossible that installing it would make *any* difference to anything related to audio.
Couatl is still unstable, but at least the GSX is usable now. Autodiagnostic checks for audio often are needed, but Couatl doesn’t crash completely everytime during restart anymore (altough sometimes it still happens).
If the audio diagnostic checks sometimes fails, that's a clear proof OpenAL support in your audio drivers is buggy. And there's not much else we can do about it, other than *having* that diagnostic to point you out of a problem with your audio.
If the audio diagnostic, we can at least not use audio and have GSX runs silently, but with no crashes. But, if the audio drivers is bugged, and initializes correct, but it then won't work when used, Couatl will surely crash when audio is called. The diagnostic is not a complete test of each and every function: it's just a test if the audio *initializes* correctly, but we wouldn't know for sure it won't ever crash when USED. In order to do that, we should make a complete audio diagnostic that would call each and every OpenAL function, and if some of it would fail, it WILL probably crash while doing the test!
If we could be able to test each and every audio function in your drivers, and doing that without crashing, that would be an impressive feat by itself, more than the whole GSX product, and might be a worthwhile product to sell as a stand-alone audio troubleshooting utility.
I found that allowing Couatl to update via Live Update within FSX, will cause Couatl to crash permanently and the only rescue from that situation will be reinstalling the Standalone Addon Manager again. In fact, doing anything with Live Update (even trying to disable it) immediately causes Couatl to crash. But as long as I keep my hands away from Live Update, GSX seems to work.
The Live Update downloads exactly the same files as the Stand-Alone Addon Manager, with the exception that the Stand-Alone Addon Manager downloads also the latest Couatl.exe (if you don't have it already), and the latest version of the Addon Manager (bglmanx.dll, if you don't have it already) so, the problem doesn't have anything to do with Live Update but, instead, it's just seems to be a generic issue of restarting Couatl, which is done automatically by the Live Update when it's done.
You'll probably have the same issue if you restart Couatl manually from the menu, and this can ALSO be caused by a problem with audio drivers, since if they are initialized and fail, there might cause problems during a restart.
I don't belive this issue is really solved, but complete reinstall the Standalone Addon Manager and keeping away from Couatl Live Update helped a little in my case.
Since the issue doesn't have much to do with Couatl of the Addon Manager, it's to be expected it won't be "really solved" by reinstalling any of them. In order to "really solve it", you must act on your audio drivers, because they are the REAL problem.