Author Topic: Aerosoft EDDB,EDDH,EDDP,EDDS;LHSimulations LHBP;ORBX EGHI;UK2000 EGLL Xtreme V3  (Read 7115 times)


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I have modified the aircraft position settings for those airports mentioned in the subject. They can be download from the attachment.
I disabled the marshaller at gates and parkings with visual (guidance) docking system and disabled the staircases at gates with jetways for:
EDDB,EDDH,EDDP,EDDS,LHBP and Heathrow Xtreme V3.
I additionally changed some pushback directions in EGLL to make them reliable. I also assigned GSX a jetway in EGLL where there is one. For EGHI I customized vehicle positions so that the GSX vehicles are not being mixed up with ORBX scenery objects, except for one gate (just too small for baggage vehicle).
In EGLL I had modified some 500 gates and had not the inspiration to test them all. So there might be a faulty assignment. But I tried my best.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2015, 11:31:31 pm by Prophet_ »


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It would be best if you post each configuration file on a separate thread with its own title, which will allow other user to search for it more easily.

And, of course, don't forget the attachment...


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I have estimated what would be the best option. One topic or an endless growing clicking through forum pages. I guess one thread saves more of our lifetime.