You have two entirely different issues:
1) The problem with the Follow Me, which I *guess* is due to the fact the scenery has a taxiway node ON TOP of the parking (see the blue circle inside the parking itself), which is entirely redundant, and like all overlapping nodes might cause such errors.
GSX has already some code to protect against these problems, but it's difficult to catch them all without getting a report. We'll try to add additional checks now that you show this scenery.
2) The problem with lots of UNRECOGNIZED_ID in your log, which is totally separate from the FolloMe problem at KJAC, has been reported by a couple of other users too, but we really don't have any idea what might be causing it. We haven't been able to replicate it in any way.
Those codes reported in the error log don't look like normal values, it seems as if Simconnect was acting up and, either its own data ended up corrupted, so it returned bogus data, or we are intercepting errors that don't belong to us, so it might be the result of a conflict with another addon.
I would be interested having a look at it directly ( since none at FSDT was ever able to reproduce it so far, and only a couple of users reported it ), so if you are available, we might have a session with Teamviewer, so I can test some additional things which would be cumbersome to explain on a forum.
PM-me to arrange a Teamviewer session.