Author Topic: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice **SOLVED**  (Read 6828 times)


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GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice **SOLVED**
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:28:55 am »
Following an install of GSX (latest version downloaded today). The add-on exists and works normally for the first flight. If I close P3D and lets say run it again the next day, the add-on for GSX is not there. The add-on manager says it's installed and product is active, yet there is no menu item.

In order to alleviate this, I must re-install GSX again and it will work once, maybe twice every time I start P3D v2.5.12946 (hotfix 4). If I try a second or third time to start the simulator, the add-on dissapers, no menu, no CTRL+12, nothing. I have to reinstall GSX again.

Windows 10 Pro x64 10.10240 (Clean Install, not that upgrade crap)
64GB Memory

Any insight would be appreciated.
Thank You

« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 07:40:51 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2015, 07:50:33 am »
The most likely cause of this problem, is that you closed the sim, and restarted too quickly, without allowing it enough time to released all opened files and close all the executable it launched, which results in the Couatl.exe ( the interpreter that runs GSX ), not being closed properly, so its menus won't appear on the next sim session.

The same might happen if the simulator didn't close cleanly, so it couldn't send a message to Couatl to order its closure.

You can verify this is the case, by opening the Task Manager when this happens, and check if couatl.exe is still running. Terminate it from the Task Manager and it should work on the next restart.

Always allow a bit of time (from 5 to 10 seconds, usually), before restarting the sim after you close it.


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Re: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2015, 12:19:54 am »
Thanks for the reply. I will check the task manager next time.
I don't usually turn around and restart the sim again so quickly. Last time it happened it was a complete day, which meant I had to start the computer again.

I will look into what you suggest and thank you again for your help.
I did notice a peculiar issue with the exe.xml and it did not look formatted correctly as well.

As of right now, I restored the xml files (dll and exe) to their original state before any add-ons and it looks like a correctly formatted xml file.
Not sure if that was the issue, but I thought I would completely remove FSUIPC (don't know why I even have that, doesn't do anything for me), and GSX and try a 'clean' install again.

I will post any findings here to see if our solution works.
* One caveat though: Have to change the manual load to 'false' in the exe.xml file or I get prompted to run Couatl every time I start the sim.

Thanks again.



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Re: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2015, 09:31:59 am »
I did notice a peculiar issue with the exe.xml and it did not look formatted correctly as well.

Do not judge it "by the look".

An XML is correct or not, if it respect the XML syntax, and will be displayed "correctly" or not, depending how the editor you use to open it will handles characters like tabs and spaces.

]As of right now, I restored the xml files (dll and exe) to their original state before any add-ons and it looks like a correctly formatted xml file. Not sure if that was the issue, but I thought I would completely remove FSUIPC (don't know why I even have that, doesn't do anything for me), and GSX and try a 'clean' install again.

The XML files were never your problem. If they were, the modules would NEVER start, ever. Not just sometimes.

* One caveat though: Have to change the manual load to 'false' in the exe.xml file or I get prompted to run Couatl every time I start the sim.

That's normal, and of course is entirely unrelated to GSX, and it's valid for every module you have in the XML. We surely don't set that parameter manually in the installer.

In fact, it will change from default, if you do the following:

- Reply YES to the question made by *Windows* to authorize a newly installed module (the one with the yellow shield on it)

- But reply NO to the question made by FSX about trusting the module in FSX (the one with the dialog box in the FSX style)

In this case, since you have authorized the module to run under Windows, but not under FSX, FSX will ask again about it at every start. I think there's a slight difference in behavior between FSX and FSX:SE.


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Re: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2015, 09:10:20 am »
Hello i have the same problem.

I let the task manager open for a while after closing to see, and 5min after Couatl is still runnning. I see on the forum, a few problems reported with that, and evrytime an answer for FSX and not P3D.

In P3D when you install a module or any program, you don't have an alert like in FSX to start or not a module you know ?

So until now, i have to re-install GSX each time i start P3D, and it makes sometimes my other FSDT sceneries ( and i have quite a lot ) gone.

10mins now, from when i started to type this message.. Couatl still runing in task manager, using 28% of my CPU btw..

And like said, we use P3D and i use WIN 10

I removed coatl from windows firewall ( created an entry and exit exceptions ), turned the .Exe as admin, and even tried "execute this program WIN 8 compatible".
Also, i use custom voices sound for pushback ( the ones you can find on avsim, the robot voice of the push is a bit annoying, still wondering why you havn't customized yet ) and i need to reinstall them each time i reinstall GSX.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 09:13:42 am by Jonwait »


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Re: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2015, 10:21:49 am »
I let the task manager open for a while after closing to see, and 5min after Couatl is still runnning. I see on the forum, a few problems reported with that, and evrytime an answer for FSX and not P3D.

That's not normal, but explains your problem and confirm my suspicions.

Please note, It's not that Couatl must "do something" to close itself. What should happen, is that P3D (or FSX, it's the same), must send a message to close it and the act of closing is entirely outside our control. If it doesn't close, it can only be caused by some kind of problem in your system, possibly another installed module is causing a problem, so Couatl doesn't get the command to be closed.

We even added an additional safety in the Addon Manager than, when the sim closes, it will try to terminate Couatl.exe explicitly, but even this feature must assume the sim CAN send the close message, to the Addon Manager in this case.

In P3D when you install a module or any program, you don't have an alert like in FSX to start or not a module you know ?

No, there's no such feature in P3D, so it's entirely normal you won't see it.

So until now, i have to re-install GSX each time i start P3D, and it makes sometimes my other FSDT sceneries ( and i have quite a lot ) gone.

No, you don't. As I've said, it's enough to just TERMINATE Couatl.exe manually from the Task Manager, at least until you figure out what other installed addon is causing the sim not to be able to terminate its started executables.

I removed coatl from windows firewall ( created an entry and exit exceptions )

If the antivirus is a problem, you must add it to the ANTIVIRUS exception list (Windows Defender), not the firewall. But what we suggested, is adding to the antivirus exclusion list the whole P3D folder, which will speed up the cache regeneration time a lot.

turned the .Exe as admin

Not needed. Couatl is 100% UAC-compliant, so it won't ever try to access folders not belonging to you (the user), which means it runs perfectly with normal user permissions and doesn't need to run As Admin. We never suggested to do that.

and even tried "execute this program WIN 8 compatible".

The Compatibility mode should NOT be enabled. All our products are fully compatible with Windows 10, I use Windows 10, there's a thread in the forum about several used using Windows 10 and all of them confirmed they don't have any problem with it. We never suggested to enable any Compatibility mode. In fact, we always explicitly advised of not use it.

10mins now, from when i started to type this message.. Couatl still runing in task manager, using 28% of my CPU btw..

Couatl doesn't normally use any of your CPU (not 0.0%, but usually a figure you can't even measure on the task manager), when it's running normally, but it's possible this happened because when you exit the sim, it was still recreating the cache, but now is stuck waiting for the sim which is not running anymore, so that's possible it's using some CPU in this abnormal situation.

Also, i use custom voices sound for pushback ( the ones you can find on avsim, the robot voice of the push is a bit annoying, still wondering why you havn't customized yet ) and i need to reinstall them each time i reinstall GSX.

You don't have to reinstall GSX. See above.


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Re: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2015, 12:26:36 pm »
Thanks for this complete info, it was tests about the compatibility and admin mode.

I remember it's the dll.xml that allows third parties to open and close. i see that
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
    <Name>Addon Manager</Name>


anything normal ?

i added to the antivirus exception, and will try to terminate manually next flight and let you know.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 12:28:37 pm by Jonwait »


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Re: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2015, 01:18:15 pm »
I remember it's the dll.xml that allows third parties to open and close.

The XML file (and in case of Couatl.exe will be the EXE.XML, not the DLL.XML) will only control which applications are supposed to be started automatically.

The CLOSING of the started applications is entirely outside your (and our) control. The sim SHOULD always close all the applications IT opened, and if it can't, it's usually because of some kind of problem, possibly even antivirus-related, but it might also be due to some other addon interfering, or issue with account permission.


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Re: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2015, 06:56:25 pm »
Well i guess, it might be the antivirus, or IVAP.

Since i added and exception on the antivirus, and close IVAP with task manager, couatl closes by itself and evrything is fine now.

Thanks for the help! hope all this might help someone else.


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Re: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice **SOLVED**
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2015, 11:02:05 pm »
I want to thank everyone for submitting feedback on this issue. Not sure how the post is listed as solved since I started the thread and yet I had to re-install GSX from a fresh reboot today after I got home from work.

That being said, I have left the xml files alone since support has noted that the add-on manager IS running at the very least, but GSX still will not show up. In any event I have 'excluded' the game folder from Windows Defender and we'll see what that does.

Also there were a lot of references to FSX and FSX:SE, this is NOT what we are using. P3D in Windows 10 is the issue. It may also be an unrelated problem with P3D and/or Windows 10 as well since other users are experiencing the same program, yet most are not.

I just installed GSX again and will further monitor the issue.

Thank you again everyone and support for your insight and I will apply your suggestions to my sim and system.


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Re: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice **SOLVED**
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2015, 10:47:09 am »
I want to thank everyone for submitting feedback on this issue. Not sure how the post is listed as solved

Because another user in it said he solved it:

Well i guess, it might be the antivirus, or IVAP. Since i added and exception on the antivirus, and close IVAP with task manager, couatl closes by itself and evrything is fine now.

Since you haven't posted again after this one for a week, we couldn't possibly know that it was still not solved for you. Your last message before this one ended with:

"I will post any findings here to see if our solution works."

I guess you meant my last suggestion here:

You can verify this is the case, by opening the Task Manager when this happens, and check if couatl.exe is still running. Terminate it from the Task Manager and it should work on the next restart.

Have you done that ?  What's the result ? This would at least indicate if the problem IS (most likely is) that Couatl.exe is not being closed automatically by the sim. THIS problem, as I've said, was reported to be "solved" by Jonwait by adding the correct antivirus exception and closing IVAP manually, that's why we flagged it as "solved", since HE took the time to check the Task Manager, confirmed the problem was that Couatl.exe wasn't closed by the sim, and eventually found the culprit, which was likely IVAP.

So, please, do the same check and report back.

Also there were a lot of references to FSX and FSX:SE, this is NOT what we are using. P3D in Windows 10 is the issue. It may also be an unrelated problem with P3D and/or Windows 10 as well since other users are experiencing the same program, yet most are not.

Windows 10 is what I'm using now, and there are no problems with P3D I can see. The programs runs fine, close correctly, and restarts correctly after multiple restarts of the sim.


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Re: GSX Addon Gone After P3D is run twice
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2015, 04:50:12 pm »

Yes, thank you. I have checked the task manager and COUATL does in fact shut down after I close the sim. I just got on my system today, and GSX has to be re-installed.
I may some internal issues that I am not finding. I wasn't sure if this issue was related to P3D and Windows 10, although the sim does work fine in WIN10, I haven't had any issues.

It may be just my configuration and/or installation somewhere or something isn't working correctly. I know from experience that GSX does indeed work flawlessly with FSX, FSX:SE and P3D when I had WIN7 & WIN8.1, and it does work in WIN10 as well as long as it loads each time.

I may at some point in the near future do another clean install of my OS and sim. In the meantime I will work with it as is, it is not a crippling effect and I have no complaints about your software.
I want to thank everyone for their insight and support.

