Author Topic: HELP HELP HELP Cant´t start my FSX...again because of Zurich Bmanx.dll error  (Read 11370 times)


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Can´t start my FSX now... Could use the scenry before, but everytime I fly to the area from another airport.. I can´t start FSX again next time I try to load it... I tried it once time before... Where I had to reinstall all again.. It took about 2 days with all my add-ons...¨

Its the very known Bmanx.dll error... I have the latests Add- on manager and Zurich 1.3... Its Zurich that makes the problem...

PLEASE .... Help me....


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    • VIRTUALI Sagl
You don't have to reinstall anything.

It's not Zurich that creates the problem. The bglmanx.dll it's the SAME for all our addons. The file that gets installed it's the same.

The 1.3 is NOT the latest version, 1.3.1 is. Please download the installer again, and check is downloading the Addon Manager files from the internet when it starts.

If you see the error at start, just ignore it, exit from FSX, reboot and launch it again, it usually go away.

If not, uninstall Zurich, reply YES to the question "do you want to remove the Addon Manger", then reboot, reinstall it, reboot it, and try again.


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Think I really have a big problem here...... Have tried... Nothing happens....

The only thing I want, is the program to start.. not to install all again.... where can I find these error files, or another way to load my FSX ?????? ??? ??? ???


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Heres my start files, hope you can help me ???

I also found my bglmanx files...but here I sent you my files:

My dll file :

<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
    <Name>Addon Manager</Name>
    <Name>Object Placement Tool</Name>
    <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Mission Creation
    <Name>Traffic Toolbox</Name>
    <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment
    Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll</Path>
    <Name>Visual Effects Tool</Name>
    <Path>..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment
    Kit\Special Effects SDK\visualfxtool.dll</Path>

My exe file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
- <Launch.Addon>


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Think I have been trying all now, the last 4 hours, and my sim will not start... think I soon have to reinstall ALL again... Never had problems with KJFK & KORD.. Have all the latest installtions packs now... But once time before it was Zurich that made the same issues for me... What do you think..??? Really hope you have the answer...closely to give up :-[


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There's no need to uninstall FSX:

- just uninstall Zurich

- reply YES to the question "do you want to remove the Addon Manager"

- check you really don't have any bglmanx* files inside the FSX root folder


- Clear your browser cache

- DOWNLOAD ZURICH AGAIN (you might still have an old download)

- Install it

If you don't want to do this, you can also simply try to download and install the stand-alone Addon Manager for FSX, it should be able to upgrade your files without uninstalling anything.

If it still doesn't work, perhaps is your antivirus interfering. Try to install with the antivirus OFF, AND run FSX with the antivirus configured to exclude the FSX folder. It might be the antivirus is blocking the update of the dll, because it mistakenly think it might be a virus, so you are still running the old one.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 01:10:27 pm by virtuali »


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I tried to use my repair cd for FSX, after that my start- up crashed totally... Now I start all installations from the begining, think its the best after all the problems....
Only want to use KJFK & KORD, and avoid Zurich...even I really likes the airport, because of the great scenery airport... But still find it very strange.. Never had problems to start up FSX if I just moved around in the airport at zurich, but these 2 times I flow to Zurich, my system wouldn´t start, even I have all the latest installations downloads.

But find it very strange ???


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I tried to use my repair cd for FSX, after that my start- up crashed totally... Now I start all installations from the begining, think its the best after all the problems...

No, this is wrong. If you can't start up FSX anymore because of that error, if you uninstall FSX and, as I've told you, reply "YES" to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager", IF FSX didn't start ONLY because of that, it will surely start again.

Only want to use KJFK & KORD, and avoid Zurich...even I really likes the airport, because of the great scenery airport...

It's NOT Zurich!!!! If you have an bglmanx.dll error report, this file is JUST ONE, and it's the SAME for all 3 airports, and there's only ONE version, that is downloaded from the internet by ALL installers (including Zurich). This means, Zurich installer will get exactly the same file that JFK or O'Hare installer.

This, provided nothing on your system (like antivirus or firewall) is interfering with the update, and you ARE using a version of Zurich that downloads the files from the internet as soon as it starts.

So, I repeat and confirm, the problem is not Zurich, and the solution is what I've told you in the previous message.

You can also try to download and install the stand-alone Addon Manager for FSX:

it should be able to upgrade your files without uninstalling anything.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 04:34:30 pm by virtuali »


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Maybe your right.. But I fly a lot to many airports, use KJFK & KORD almost every day... And 2 times I fly to Zurich & the problem comes up both times... And Im also using the stand alone manager... so..Its just my experience......
At a moment I thought It could be something with my scenery compared to the Zurich area.... Don´t no...

To something different  :) what time will KLAS be out.. looking forward to it... and maybe there will be new features ???? (like in jfk)


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And Im also using the stand alone manager... so..Its just my experience......

Have you tried it now ? Because, we have a new version of the bglmanx.dll that went online yesterday, it might be worth checking.


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No, have not tried.. A new file ??? Should that been improved?


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No, have not tried.. A new file ??? Should that been improved?

Try it, and let me know.


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I have to fly from an airport to Zurich before I can see the result... And still a lot of things to install, before I can load and go :)..
And don´t know about I want to install Zurich....maybe to Scared :) :) If FSX not will load again, and I have to start from the begining...
Really think I almost tried all today,, within I had to give up....


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And don´t know about I want to install Zurich....maybe to Scared

It's not Zurich, if FSX doesn't start, it doesn't have anything to do with the scenery.

If FSX not will load again, and I have to start from the begining...

No, you never had to start from the beginning. You only have to do this now, because you don't  follow my advices. As I've already said, if you have a bglmanx.dll error at start, preventing to start FSX, by simply removing Zurich (or the Stand-alone Addon Manager, if you installed that) and replying YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager" will remove it and allowing to start again.

This, of course, if the only reason for not starting was that. If your FSX didn't start for other reasons as well, that's different.


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Maybe i try... And I will let you know... Thanks for your support, quickly respons... looking forward to your next products in the future