Author Topic: HELP with GSX and add on manager  (Read 2203 times)


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HELP with GSX and add on manager
« on: June 24, 2015, 11:02:10 pm »
Hi Umberto, can you help me please? I have a problem whit my GSX especifically with add on manager, when I star the FSX this not respond, if I unistall GSX and the add on manager, the FSX work fine. I have tried all the recomedations in the forum like unistall the antivirus and reinstall the GSX, install the last add on manager, reinstall the C++ rutinnes, check the certificates, etc, but nothing fix the problem.

Sometimes, when unistall and reinstall the GSX I achiviement work, but if I turn off my PC I againg have the problem.

Umberto, Can you help me reviewing my PC trouhgt TeamViewer? I ask you because I read in a post that this problem you need check my PC to find the problem, I have KLAX, KLAS, KDFW, KJFK fom fsdream, so I dont want lose this airports because the not work my add on manager.

Yesterday I send you a PM with my ID and password of TeamViewer.

Thanks and so sorry for my english.