Author Topic: FSX SE Crash after installing GSX  (Read 3274 times)


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FSX SE Crash after installing GSX
« on: June 09, 2015, 11:33:52 am »
Had GSX since 2012 loved it. Upgraded to a new rig in Feb and picked up FSX SE version, after hearing about the fps enhancements (debatable). Long story short after re installing Orbx au sp4, orbx global base, Rex essentials, ASE, FS Captain, it was GSX turn. This is where my trouble started. After installing GSX everything seemed fine load FSX choose my flight, wait for loading, then as soon as it loads my flight, default flight is a 737 cold and dark. FSX crashes, event viewer says faulting module is d3d9.dll in \windows\system32.

I have made sure my GPU has its up to date driver I know that this .dll has something to do with direct x. It's just weird that as soon as I uninstall GSX FSX SE works fine without incident. Noticed that ASE has add on manager installed and I know that GSX uses this same program could this have anything to do with it?

I'm hoping others have seen this and there is a simple solution. I love GSX for me flight sim is not the same without this product, I'm desperate to get it to work.


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Re: FSX SE Crash after installing GSX
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2015, 12:32:56 pm »
After installing GSX everything seemed fine load FSX choose my flight, wait for loading, then as soon as it loads my flight, default flight is a 737 cold and dark. FSX crashes, event viewer says faulting module is d3d9.dll in \windows\system32.

I'm sorry, but this problem cannot be possibly caused by GSX, surely not if everything is happening according to your report.

According to your report, FSX crashes as soon as it loads the flight. At this stage, GSX hasn't created ANY object yet. The only possible reason why GSX would "cause" a crash in d3d9.dll, is only after GSX created its objects, which is not happening until you call any of the GSX services and the related vehicles.

GSX CANNOT cause a crash inside an FSX .DLL, because running entirely outside FSX, under the Couatl.exe interpreter, it doesn't have any way to access any of FSX .DLLs, so it cannot cause a crash even if it tried to. The only time when this crash could be *teorethically* possible, is when any 3d objects are created, which is done by FSX itself after receiving Simconnect commands from GSX so, in that case, if your video drivers and/or settings had a problem, an object that is anyway 100% legal and correct (as they all are), might trigger some bad behavior in the d3d9.dll module.

So no, the problem doesn't have anything to do with GSX. It's likely you might be mislead thinking it's a GSX problem, because "it goes away if you uninstall GSX", but that doesn't mean much.

What's likely happening, instead, is the problem is caused by ANOTHER 3rd party addon module you have installed, which IS accessing the d3d9.dll or is creating objects that (for the same reasons explained above) as soon as you load the flight, which triggers a problem with d3d9.dll, and this other addon has a CONFLICT with GSX, meaning this other addon is not behaving correctly if it's running together with GSX. This way, you think GSX is the cause of the problem, when it's not, just because by removing GSX, you removed the conflict with this other addon that, opposite to GSX, CAN cause an issue when loading a flight.

So, the real test would be, instead, removing or disabling ALL the other add-ons you installed, and try with GSX ONLY.

If you don't know how to do this, I can help you with a Teamviewer sessions. PM me if you are interested.


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Re: FSX SE Crash after installing GSX
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2015, 02:42:03 pm »
Thank you for clarifying this. Makes sense regarding what you said about GSX the fact that it had not even loaded yet when the crash happens. I suspect AS Next or Rex is probably the culprit here. But it could be any of the various airport and scenery files will go through them all disable each one and test with GSX to find out where the conflict is coming from. Thank you for your suggestions.

Sydney Australia