Author Topic: Buildings and Couati Powered Products Pull Down Menu Disappearance is Sporadic  (Read 4671 times)


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I’m running P3D v2.5 on my system and I have installed the following:

DreamTeam: KLAS, KORD, KFLL, GSX, all Hawaiian Airports, KJFK, and KLAX.
FlightBeam: Phoenix

Pilots FS Global 2010
FTX Global Base
FTX Global Vector

I have made the following observations after a few hours of attempting to characterize:

1)   If I load a default aircraft at KLAS, buildings may or may not appear at KLAS, or they may briefly appear, and then disappear. If the buildings do disappear, then Couati disappears as well. If by chance the buildings remain, and  I mouse over on the Couati powered products menu to bring it up, and then click on Restart Couati, then Couati powered products pull down menu usually disappears as well as the buildings again. Sometimes it takes two attempts at restart for this to happen. The add-on manager is always there.
2)   When I load the PMDG 737-800 NGX at KLAS Gate A11, I have not yet been able to get past the buildings disappearing 100% of the time. However, I was able to make the PMDG 737 use GSX at your KFLL and FlightBeam’s KPHX airport and the buildings remained intact. So at least I know GSX will work although there are some minor issues I encountered (an issue for another thread).
3)   Most of the time, just prior to the buildings disappearing, the sound in P3D stops, and then returns when the buildings disappear.
4)   When I first installed the airports like KLAS and others, I noticed that the following message appeared; for example, GSX Regeneration airport Cache, please wait (58%) until it completed. This message remained a long time before the regeneration was completed and the message went away. This message also came up when I was installing the small Orbx airports in the Pacific Northwest region, which I thought was unusual.
5)   When I re-installed all my major airports, I wasn’t required to enter the license numbers again because the registry must have still contained those entries from my previous FSX install…..I was never asked.

I had all these products when I was an FSX user, but moved over to P3D. I did uninstall all these airports and apps before setting up P3D. It should be noted, I very recently re-downloaded all these airports and apps to be sure I had the latest version as well as the p3Dv2 installers.

Bill Clark


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From your description ( cache regeneration very long or stopping ), you might have a corrupted .BGL or something like that. It's also possible you might not have enough virtual memory to process very large files.

You might try to download and install the Couatl 3 Public Beta here:,11796.0.html

Because it has a new (amongst lots of improvements) cache regeneration strategy, which skips very large files that aren't usually AFCAD so, it shouldn't risk ending memory because of very large files to be processed.


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Thanks for the update................I'll give the beta a shot.

Bill Clark